[Backtagging] Go for it!
[Threadhopping] I don't mind. Unless it's like, super-serious business, but if it is, it's probably locked to the person they're speaking to, so.
[Plotting] Of course I'm up for plotting, who isn't? IM, Plurk, a PM, right here, there's like a million places to find me, so by all means, do.
[Offensive subjects] Sid is from Skins, if you recall, him being here is probably offensive in itself. So go for it. But if it's something extreme or you're still not sure, just ask!
[What's okay to mention around him/her] If it's IC to tell him whatever it is, go right ahead.
[Is there anything you need us to know about interacting with this character? Special physical features, special abilities, etc] Not really!
[Can I hack that strike or otherwise find out information they'd prefer to keep hidden?] Strikes are cool to hack, and I'll usually post the hackability of posts within the post itself. AND AS FOR MIND READING have at it, but lemme know so I'm not confused?
[Can I troll/mindscrew/mess with in general?] Totally! This happens to him all the time.
[Can I spit at/jinx/step on/etc? (i.e. fighting)] If you must! ICly there's probably not a lot of reasons to punch him, though.
[Can I flirt with/hug/kiss/use other means of non-violent physical contact with this character?] Sure!
[Anything else?] No?