As we get off the plane onto the bus that will carry us the long ride to the terminal, I take note of my fellow passengers. Every single one is dressed for business, with laptop and blackberry. We are all clones. In a way I feel like we are all going to the same meeting, the same offices, although I know this is not true. On this bus I feel as if I
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Comments 3
I miss you! We should really get to Europe next year, Brian has never been. It would be something to save up for.
I have moved (in with Justin, my BF) to central london and also I have a new job. Right now I am in germany for work..
I miss you too, you are too far away. Ive been thinking about a little vacation to SF and then maybe Hawaii, but too bad you are not in SF anymore!! Would love to come up and visit you too though, maybe go to Vancouver as I have never been. London is very expensive, if you come here you could possibly stay with us, although with the state of our new flat it wont be until next year before it will be suitable for guests, as we dont even have any furniture... I have been lusting after a conran sofa:
but any sofa will do!!
Maaaaan I want to get back to Hawaii, too. And Vancouver is on the list for this fall.
We moved away from SF a year ago, and into our new house in March, and only just now have finished with most of the large furnishings, though someday there will be a dresser or desk or something for the guest room so it's not just a bed and nightstand. We got our brand new Macy's mattress yesterday, it's so sweet. I remember you shopping for one there!
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