Bye for now!!!

Jul 04, 2005 21:41

Baylor Bound

Well everybody got a new hair cut and I am ready to go!!!  Well I will miss everybody back here in town!!!!! I will miss chinese food and going out to eat with friends!!! I will really miss all that!!! Well I will be up there till Aug 10 then I will be headed back down there for fall classes so I will be back soon....well while im up there I will need to talk to people so dont be strangers 286-7713 call me up!!! Well theres nothing much more to say is that, bye and I will see people when I come back when I get home I promise I will go out with everybody!!!!

AHHH Sic'Em bears!!!

C/O 09

look foward to seeing my dorm room and other fun things!!!!!!

BYE!!!!!   <3 U guys!!!!

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