100 things to know about me..........
1. ok Im a senior even though I dont look like it
2. Future Baylor Bear
3. Im not even 5ft yet but I am very close
4. I love watching movies on a rainy day
5. I love going out with my friends and having a good time
6. I love my digital camera
7. Have to have my cell phone
8. I would cry if i lost my charm braclet
9. I love my versace sunglasses
10. I cant wait to graduate and get out of here
11. I love to go shopping
12. I love getting dressed up and looking all pretty
13. My hands and body hurt right now I'm so out of shape
14. I have a fetish for shoes, purses, jewelry......
15. I love coffee
16. I have to agree with ryan on this one MC Hammer hes HOTT
17. I have a little sister ummm.....the word is that she looks like me
18. I need to send out my graduation invatations
19. I love my dog ......oh his name is BUBBS
20. I love to laugh
21. and love
22. I also like my smile ...........now that I have no metal to cover them up
23. I really don't like my legs they are pretty big for my body
24. I love to cheer
25. Louieville is like the best ever.......saw them on NCA nationals yesterday and like feel in love
26. I need to learn how to drive dang im real late
27. my bangs are too long I need to cut them
28. I dont like talking to people on the phone
29. I'd rather IM and talk I have no idea why?
30. Prom is in 2 weeks and i dont have my purse or earings ect..............
31. I need to get rid of my uniforms like sell them or something
32. I love to go to the park and play around
33. or fly a kite (thats my kid heart)
34. I like to go get my nails and feet done
35. I love makeup (dramatic makeup is so cool)
36. GLITTER thats all i have to say
37. I love flip flops (wearing them in cold weather is the best)
38. I love to dance (really love to dance)
39. I like to carry a intellectual conversation once and a while
40. I used to wear glasses but i lost them and lala I dont have to wear them anymore
41. I like stars
42. I wish I could have played softball
43. I love flowers (especially recieving them)
44. The best flower is a tulip
45. I like to swim and flip off the diving board
46. I like to go tubeing in the summer on the back of my dads boat
47. I like to go bike ridding
48. My fav fruit is a apple
49. My fav dessert is cheesecake from the cheesecake factory with strawberry's on top (mmmmmmmmmm cheesecake)
50. my fav colors are pink or purple
51. I like to sit and watch sports instead of cheering sometimes
52. I have never been to a football game as a spectator
53. I love oreos and marshmellows (total fat kid food)
54. I am a scardy cat when it comes to bugs
55. anything that crawls, flys and has more than 4 legs I scream
56. I have never broken a bone in my body
57. Alot of people dont know this but I know how to play the piano
58. I really dont like my middle name which is is .........................E***** I'll let you figure that out
59. my room is always a mess
60. I like to watch girly movies............yeah the ones that make you cry
61. I like listening to country music.............yeah the whos cheating on who kind of music
62. I like playing card games with my family
63. MYSPACE is so addicting
64. I have been a ALL AMERICAN cheerleader for 3 year in a row
65. I want to try out for NCA staff (but dont know when)
66. I dont know how to draw...........stick people are what your going to get
67. jeans and T-shirt days are the best
68. Bubble Tea (yum)
69. chinese food rocks my socks
70. I perfer not to read I'm more of a visiual learner
71. I plan to go to Hawaii
72. When I get older I would love to travel
73. I am a very outgoing person
74. In the future I wan to have a vaccation house in Cali
75. Humor is a big part of my life
76. I can be serious though when I have too
77. Laying in a big grassy field and watching the stars at night
78. Late night walks on the beach are so much fun (Ryan you know about this one)
79. I love the winter weather (though I have never seen snow)
80. I also like the summer (tan time baby)
81. Napoleon Dynamite is totally sweet (I love that movie)
82. I love watching th medical cahnnels (blood and guts does not gross me out)
83. Forensic Science is really cool and interesting
84. Interesting fact I have 8 more years of school
85. I will have a PhD. when im 25
86. Me and Abby are 8 years apart (Abby is my younger sister in case you don't know)
87. I am not a morning person
88. I'm really not a all nighter either so I dont know what my classifacation is
89. I would love to visit Italy, Rome, France all those European countries
90. I want to ride down the cannals in one of those Gondolas with that special some one (Ghandolas- is the boat that is in venice. Where the man pushes the boat with a stick and he sings to you) totally romantic
91. When I wear a ponytail I always have to have a ribbon in my hair (thats the cheerleader in me)
92. I love the way Audrey Hepburn acted and looked in Breakfast at Tiffany's (very sophisticated)
93. I really dont eat sweets like chocolate and other candy and stuff like that (thats for fat kids)
94. I love my burberry tie (used as a belt not as a tie)
95. I love First Friday
96. I hope to drive a mercades (convertible)
97. I want to grow a little bit more to al least 5 1'
98. I want to sky dive
99. I would never get a tatoo or get anything thing else pierced
100. For me conffidence is everything.............knowing I can accomplish all...................its not about falling its all about how you get up
well thats about all..................I am so tired well............ that was harder than I thought 100 things is alot.........I'll leave yall at that
Sarah out :)