What's amusing me this morning is really retro magazine ads from the early Seventies. It's mostly the visuals, and the major changes in my perspective over the decades that makes this tickle my funnybone.
I'm listening to J. Mitchard' book The Breakdown Lane on tape. The author (and voice actor) both *really* capture the voice of a middle aged woman pissed at her husband with great accuracy. (Sometimes makes me wince in recognition.)
In an article about new mom Bristol Palin's interview with Greta V. S., Rebecca Traister on Salon highlights this telling quote. (Bristol getting vague about whether she supports birth control, but still making a good point
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Yay, my brain chemistry was actually producing plenty of happiness chemicals this morning. Random nothingness was enough to "make" me happy
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- Sunshine breaking thru clouds. - My kid being happy enough to sing and dance a bit. - Funny Eddie Izzard bits on BBC America - U2 blasting from the computer - Combining pommegranite/grape juice with cola to create something much like Dr. Pepper
I am reading Richard Bolles' book How to Find Your Mission in Life. It is far too religious for me comfort level. However, I hit a page this morning that made me think (which is the point anyway
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