Title: Warm
Theme + Number: #24 - Hair, #43 - Contrast, #85 - Cold night
Warnings: Vague smut
Pairing: Wufei Chang/Relena Peacecraft
Word count: 100
Rating: R
Summary: Cold on the outside, warm and comfortable inside.
It's cold outside of their bed, but it's not as if they can feel it, all wrapped up in each other with the sheets over them. Relena's eyes are closed, her expression open, fragile, and Wufei can't look away even as he wants to close his eyes, pushing deep into her and finally giving in to bury his face against her shoulder. She tugs gently at his hair, freeing it from the hairtie, and then it spills over her shoulder, dark against pale.
"'Lena," he whispers, and she just arches up against him, whimpering, quietly asking, begging for more.
And he gives.