Title: Gravitation
Theme + Number: #26 - Dance
Warnings: Drabble
Friendship: Heero Yuy and Wufei Chang
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: It's nice to see Relena with him.
It's nice to see Relena there, on Wufei's arm like that's where she belongs. It's nice because for a while she was so completely taken up with him that Heero never thought she'd even look Wufei's way. It's nice because he didn't have to push her in that direction. It's nice because she and Wufei found each other on their own.
He dances with her like always, and he's amused and happy to see that her eyes gravitate to Wufei even when he spins her around, even while she captures his heart for just a moment.
Wufei is content, so he smiles.