DDS, part the first.

Aug 27, 2006 15:36


Digital Devil Saga: Avatar Tuner I

0. Quick Rundown - Humans, Demons, Atma Markings


Serph - Varna - Water Crown
Heat - Agni - Fireball
Gale - Vayu - Twister
Cielo - Dyaus - Rainbow Arch
Argilla - Prithivi - Seismic Wave

Tribe Leaders:

Harley - Hayagriva - Burning Stake
Mick - Rahu - Solar Eclipse
Lupa - Cerberus - Lava Flow
Jinana - Usas - Aurora
Bat - Camazotz - Sonic Wave
Varin - Ravana - Turbulence


Sera - N/A
Angel - Onmyo Harihara - Maelstrom

I. Introduction

Our story begins in the Junkyard, a barren land of rain, stone fortresses and constant warfare. There are six Tribes: Brutes, Solids, Maribel, Wolves, Vanguards and Embryon. Tribes obey laws given out by the ‘Dissemination Machine,’ located in the neutral ground of the Karma Temple. If one Tribe kills another Tribe’s Leader, the dead Leader’s Tribe joins with the victorious Leader’s Tribe. In the end, the members of the most powerful Tribe will pass through the gate to Nirvana, a paradise without war, where they will be granted all they desire.

This is everything they know. Emotions are mysterious things, and not understood.

II. Ground Zero - Beginnings

The main character is introduced as Serph. He’s the leader of the Embryon Tribe, currently fighting the Vanguards, led by Harley. Both of them hesitate-there’s a mysterious, egg-shaped pod in the middle of their battleground. Each side challenges the other.

GALE: Warning to the Vanguards. Remove the unidentified object from coordinates 2-3-1-4-5-8-7-3. Failure to comply will be deemed an act of war.
HARLEY: Warning to the Embryon. Remove the unidentified object from coordinates 2-3-1-4-5-8-7-3. Failure to comply will be deemed an act of war.

Everybody fails to comply. Fighting happens. Rocks blow up. Serph gets a glimpse of a strange black cat with two bells hung around its neck.

Then the egg explodes. Everyone is taken by surprise-as close to surprise as they get-as snakes/worms/giant sperm of light tear through them. Mysterious marks appear on their bodies. They experience their first transformation into demons, go mad, and start killing each other. In the lens Serph was using, the words om mani padme hm (pearl of the holy lotus) appear, and then kill them all.

Some time later, Serph regains consciousness. Just before waking, he has a vision: blue sky and the call of seagulls, completely unlike the Junkyard. It fades to reveal the only people left in the area are five members of the Embryon: Serph, Heat, Gale, Argilla and Cielo. They gather around where the egg was, to find a crater filled with light.

There’s a naked girl in the middle of the light, curled up and unconscious.

HEAT: I feel I have met this girl before. I want to know more about her. I am sure you feel the same way, Serph.

III. Muladhara - Regroup

The Embryon take the girl back with them, though she’s still out of it. Serph checks around and finds his remaining Tribe members have been hit by the light as well, and are just as confused as he is. The principal five gather in the strategy room to discuss.

Argilla seems horrified over what’s happened to them. Heat tells her to deal with it. After some quibbling, it’s decided that Serph, Heat and Argilla will go to Svadhisthana and confront Harley for information. Gale is left in charge.

At this point, only Serph’s emotions-though not his memories-are awakened.

IV. Svadhisthana - Strange Happenings

The three reach the area with no trouble, as the outer area of the Vanguards’ territory is curiously deserted. They enter the building and have a look around. Eventually they confront Harley and two other Vanguards. Harley appears terrified-trembling, stammering.

HARLEY: Y-you all…turned into monsters! And then you--you devoured all of my men!
ARGILLA: Stop. I…I didn’t do that! I didn’t kill…all those people! SHUT UP!

Argilla lets loose a round of bullets that down the two Vanguard flunkies. Her eyes change colour to pink in her anger, signifying the waking of her emotions. Harley undergoes the same thing and freaks out upon seeing his two flunkies begin to transform, escaping into a deeper section of the complex. The now-demon flunkies attack.

The Embryon kill them easily, but Argilla protests afterwards-she can’t bring herself to eat them, even if it’s now necessary for survival. Heat tells her she’s being an idiot. They move on, chasing Harley, eating his men and shifting obstacles.

They corner him at last. In school-bully fashion, Heat lifts the frightened Harley by his collar and demands to know just what the hell is going on. Harley protests-Heat becomes frustrated, and his emotions are awakened by a surge of anger. He throws Harley against a wall, declaring him worthless.

At this point the poor guy’s had just about enough.

HARLEY: I…I understand. I understand one thing. In this world, it’s eat-or be eaten!

He transforms into the first boss of the game, Asura Hayagriva, a giant fire-breathing zebra with spindly little arms. (Yeah, I WTFed too.) The Embryon kill and devour him, gaining control of the Vanguards’ territory.

V. Muladhara - Out of Control

Serph and the others come back only to find chaos: Gale has gone berserk, and Vayu is chasing Cielo with intent to devour. Shooting doesn’t work; it seems Vayu is bulletproof. Heat shields Cielo.

HEAT: So, you’re hungry, Gale? Wanna eat me?
VAYU: Drool, snarl, rar!

Light shines on the heavens
The earth and spirit
Light brings glory and grace.
May you open your eyes
To the truth-shanti, shanti.

Divine light, our heart
Cries out to you: deliver us
From the dark and give us hope.
May you feel our hearts’
Undying love-shanti, shanti.

Enter the mysterious and no-longer-naked girl! Her song calms Vayu, and it turns back into Gale, who does not appreciate being pressed to people’s bosoms.

HEAT: What in the hell…was that?
GIRL: A song.
CIELO: That was a…song?
GIRL: Yes, a song.
GALE: Who are you?
GIRL: My name is Sera. I’ve come to help everyone.
ARGILLA: To help us? From where?
SERA: I don’t know. I can’t remember. I just know that I’m supposed to help everyone.

Gale then proceeds to try and interrogate her once he’s recovered, stating that her logic is flawed and full of holes. She can’t help it-she can’t remember anything of herself beyond her name and the song. Argilla is pleased; with Sera around, they can hold on to their humanity. Gale doesn’t get it.

ARGILLA: See, I’m…pretty sure I’ve heard that song somewhere before.
HEAT: Me too.
CIELO: Yeah.
GALE: I have not. The Karma Temple will identify-
COMPUTER: All Tribe Leaders are to report to the Temple immediately.
GALE: For what purpose is this, Dissemination Machine?
COMPUTER: Questions of this nature are not permitted.

Serph is obliged to head to the Temple as ordered.

VI. Karma Temple - Child of Purgatory

Some very strange things happen in the central meeting room of the Temple. Serph is the last to arrive. As he enters the room, Varin, leader of the Brutes, takes one look at him and-poof!-gains emotions, which seem to consist of hate for Serph. This becomes relevant later.

They stand around, and one Leader finally asks the Dissemination Machine why they have been brought there. It gives a noncommittal answer.

LEADER: But then who summoned-
VOICE: I summoned you.

The Dissemination Machine appears to go berserk. In the middle, a strange gear/eye image forces its way through to speak to the Leaders. It speaks with a woman’s voice, telling them things have changed. The Tribes are now to embrace their new demon forms and use them to conquer and eat each other until only one Tribe remains to go to Nirvana. But now there’s one more criteria added. No one can go to Nirvana without bringing ‘the black-haired girl.’ That’s Sera! When Serph inquires more closely, curious, Angel goes “You--!” and explodes into static. She follows up with this:

ANGEL: Rend. Slaughter. Devour your enemies! Accept your hunger-there is no other way to survive, warriors of Purgatory!

She disappears.

DISSEMINATION MACHINE: Demon presence now acknowledged. Verifying. What information do you wish to review, child of Purgatory?

VII. Muladhara - Plans

No one understands why Sera’s so important, or who Angel is. Business moves on.

Gale brings up a map with the current status of the Tribes. The Embryon may try and conquer either the Solids or the Maribel. Both are larger, more powerful groups, and one wrong move could crush the Embryon. Gale suggests a ploy. Ally with Tribe A, crush Tribe B, then betray and attack A. Serph wrangles it out, and chooses to ally with the Maribel against the Solids. Without betrayal.

VIII. Manipura - Negotiations

Heat, Argilla and Serph go to meet a new Leader, Jinana of the Maribel, along with her second-in-command Bat. Argilla immediately strikes up an odd sympathy with Jinana.

JINANA: The rain that falls from the sky is like the tears of God. God has cursed us all.
ARGILLA: God…? What’s that?
JINANA: I do not know why I said it. The words were simply there.

It’s not enough. Their proposal is met with one of Jinana’s own-her Tribe is hungry, and she doesn’t think an alliance is worth it. The three will have to prove that the Embryon are worth fighting with.

They do this by killing members of the Maribel that try to eat them as they track their way through the base, until they reach Jinana and Bat once again. Bat battles them as Asura Camazotz, but loses. He nearly ends up getting his head bitten off by Agni/Heat, who gets stopped at the last second but awakens Bat’s self-serving cowardice. Jinana accepts that the Embryon are strong, and agrees to the alliance.

IX. Anahata - Traitor in the Ranks

The Solids have remained secure for so long because of their walled fortress, and the fact that their Leader never goes out in the open to get targeted. Because of this, a two-pronged attack is necessary. It’s decided that the Maribel will attack the front gate, providing a diversion while the Embryon sneak in a back route and strike at the Solids’ Leader, Mick the Slug.

It sounds simple enough, when they get past all the rigged statues, poison gas and surprise trapdoors, but goes to hell once they’re in Mick’s chambers. The Leader isn’t there, and instead they’re ambushed. It seems they’ve been betrayed by Bat.

Once they fight their way out, Argilla pleads with Serph to go and save Jinana. They head through the front gate to discover most of the Maribel dead and Mick beating up Jinana, who he tosses to the ground at the Embryon’s feet.

MICK: Ha ha ha! Did that stupid bitch think she could beat me on an empty stomach?
HEAT: What?! That woman never devoured anyone?
ARGILLA: Jinana! Why?
JINANA: I’m…like you. I won’t…kill needlessly.

Mick gloats for awhile and takes his leave, because the weakened Jinana has been taken over by her Atma and is beginning to transform.

JINANA: Get…away! Get…away…from…me!

X. Muladhara - Premonitions and Visions

Back at base, everyone’s chillin.’ Sera is walking around the complex, humming her song. Cielo notices a kitty-the same kitty Serph saw, the only animal evident in the Junkyard-and attempts to make friends with it.

Gale listens to Sera and closes his eyes, trying to imitate her. We find he can’t carry a tune. He sees an unfamiliar dark-haired woman, crying. We see his eyes flash green-color change signifies waking emotion-but it fades back to gray almost immediately.

Sera gasps as she sees a blazing vision of Jinana’s Atma symbol, Aurora.

SERA: Everyone! Run!

XI. Anahata - Three Tribes To Go

Jinana, as the berserk Asura Usas, attacks the Embryon. Argilla is unwilling to retaliate, but even she is forced to admit that they can only end her suffering.

Tearful death scene in the rain. Jinana is amazed that Argilla is able to produce tears, and tries to comfort her by saying that she’s at last become her comrade. Her emotions awaken as she says this-right before she dies.

HEAT: Devour her.

Argilla slaps Heat. Hard.

ARGILLA: I don’t care anymore. I’m going to find Mick…and then I’m going to rip his throat out.

She stomps off. Heat looks back at Jinana’s body, remarks ‘what a waste,’ and follows. Camazotz watches them go from the top of the gateway.

XII. Manipura - Hunting Mick

DDS characters are wonderful retards, pre-awakening.

GALE: I see you have returned safely. Was the plan a success?


GALE: I see. Our plan has failed. We must devise a new plan.
ARGILLA: Plan? Plan…plan…plan?! What good will that do?! Our comrade died.
GALE: Comrade? I do not comprehend.
HEAT: Ignore her. She’s just pissed because her girlfriend got killed.
GALE: I do not comprehend. What is…’pissed’? ‘Her girlfriend?’
HEAT: …Pfft.

More talk.

GALE: Now that he has left the citadel, Mick is vulnerable. This plan is acceptable. I will now accompany you.

There are some misgivings about leaving Cielo in charge of Muladhara, but everyone buckles down to hunt Mick in Manipura.

…several ambushes later, they find not Mick but Bat at the end of the maze, and beat him up again. Since Camazotz can fly, he manages to escape. They realize the long chase has been a ruse and head back to Muladhara as fast as possible.

XIII. Muladhara - Oh Shit Son!

The Embryon’s base is a wreck in the wake of a surprise attack by the Solids. Dead and injured Tribe members lie everywhere, Sera is missing, and Cielo is found in the strategy room, barely conscious.

Heat picks Cielo up, shaking him violently.

HEAT: Why couldn’t you protect one girl?!
CIELO: I’m sorry…I…
GALE: Stop this. You have reason to be angry, but do not take it out on Cielo.
HEAT: I’ll kill you-

Heat raises a hand to strike Gale, but is prevented from doing so by Serph.

ARGILLA: Enough!
GALE: Your actions are not relevant to the situation. The answer to this lies somewhere in Sera’s lost memories.
HEAT: Yeah? And what about you, huh?
GALE: I have…not changed. I am…myself.

He then has the vision of a crying woman once more. Shaken, he turns instead to Cielo.

GALE: Where have they taken Sera? They left you alive so that you could tell us. Where is she?
CIELO: The ruins…at Coordinate 136…

Heat runs out of the room, with Argilla yelling after him in exasperation.

GALE: He cannot go alone. We must follow him.

As Serph and Argilla race out of the room, Cielo raises his head. His emotions-and his exaggerated accent-awaken, as his eyes change color to blue.

CIELO: Wait! Let me go with you! I-I gotta redeem myself for all dis!
ARGILLA: You’re in no condition to fight like that. Stay here and rest for a bit.
CIELO: Aw, c’mon…

XIV. C. 136 - Ominous Fairytale

Coordinate 136 turns out to be an out-of-place, themepark/mansionesque building. All of the Embryon but Gale find it familiar, without knowing why.

As the Embryon enter the building, a recording begins to play. It sounds very much like Sera.

???: Welcome to Destiny Land’s Beautiful Mystery Castle! Our story for today concerns a beautiful princess, and two princes. What adventures await you ahead? Sit back, and watch the tale unfold.

XV. Muladhara - Gained Emotions, Lost I.Q.

Cielo is sitting on the bed in what appears to be a holding cell. Turns out he’s sharing it with the kitty from earlier, which is pacing around and mewing in protest.

CIELO: Sorry, my little friend! De guard’s not going to let us outta dis room.

He then gets an idea.

CIELO: Hey! Hey, you out dere! A little help please?
GUARD: If I open this door, Gale will eat me alive!
CIELO: It’s not me, it’s…de cat! De cat wants to go out!
GUARD: A cat? You mean like, a cat cat?
CAT: Mew!
CIELO: Ja, dat cat! Aww, he’s so cute-c’mon, let him out!

The guard scratches his head, but opens the door. Smart. Kitty jumps him, and Cielo knocks him out.

CIELO: Nice work, little bro! --Hey, where’re you going?

Cielo follows the cat out of the base.


This is one of the most difficult areas of the game, with countless enemies and several levels of complicated puzzles. At every stage the fairytale continues, right up until the Embryon climb a bell tower and emerge into the ‘Princess’ Bedroom.’

A good prince and an evil prince fight over a princess. The evil prince separates the good prince from the princess. They fight. But then…the truly evil prince…and the story fizzles into static.

On the bedroom balcony, they confront Bat and Mick, who hold Sera hostage. Heat threatens them, only to be laughed at and taunted. Bat beckons him over, and Mick states that he’ll crush Sera’s throat if anyone else makes a move.

Bat stabs Heat in the stomach as revenge from earlier, and tells him that they’ll take him to Nirvana with them and he can have Sera afterwards. That is, if he kills Serph.

Heat doesn’t have any choice but to challenge his leader as Agni. Serph, in his turn, refuses to attack, and gets knocked about. Agni pretends to be trying to kill Varna, but seems to have a plan. “Pretend you’re losing. I’ll get Sera back.”

Unfortunately, Sera takes matters into her own hands, wriggles free of Mick, and throws herself off the roof. Everybody freezes!

--Except Mick, who catches her. She then looks up at him with eerily glowing eyes and tells him to let go of her. This is accompanied by an agonizing sound that continues until Mick obeys.

And then Camazotz swoops in and catches her again. Sera can’t protest this time--she’s knocked out. Bat laughs and declares his betrayal of Mick, stating that his intention was to join the Brutes Tribe all along. It looks like he’s going to win out.

Enter Cielo’s Atma, Dyaus! He blows off Bat’s wing with a laser fired from his mouth, and swoops in to catch Sera a third time.

Mick attempts an escape, but his path is blocked by Gale. The rest of the Embryon surround him, and Heat declares, “We’ll tear you apart, you fat freak!” Mick realizes he’s cornered and tries to fight his way out as Asura Rahu, but is overpowered and killed.

At this point it’s decided that keeping Sera in Muladhara is too dangerous. After she wakes up (and throws her arms about Serph’s neck, making Heat jealous), Serph sends Heat and some others ahead to accompany her to a secondary, secret base. Gale, Serph, Cielo and Argilla go to lay a trap for one of the two Tribes challenging them, the Brutes. The trap is to be laid at another unusual location: a gigantic shipwreck in the middle of an area that shows no sign of ever having been a sea.

XVII. Ruin Ship - The Really Useless Side Dungeon

To lure Bat and Varin, Leader of the Brutes, to the ship, they need to use Sera as bait. Since it’s too dangerous to use the real Sera, Argilla does a costume change, complete with wig. Cielo unwisely criticizes her for a few minutes-Sera’s arms aren’t that thick, her chest is smaller, etc.-and Argilla reacts appropriately. Oh, Cielo.

Outside the ship we see Varin with Bat. It’s obvious Varin doesn’t trust Bat, and there’s something else up with him as well: when Bat actually calls him by his name, he snarls, “That isn’t my name! Call me Beck! Colonel Beck!”

Serph, Gale and Cielo race down through the ship, killing a few Brute scouts on the way as they plant bombs at strategic places on each level. Upstairs, Bat swoops in to snatch Sera, only to find Argilla (or rather, Prithivi) waiting for him. She attacks. Bombs planted, the rest of the Embryon run in to help, beating Camazotz a third time.

They leave it almost too late and nearly get blown up in the explosion, saved only by flying out on Dyaus’ back. As they watch the ship burn, Argilla weeps, asking Serph what the point of it all is. No one is able to answer her.

While Bat and several Brutes have been killed, it turns out that Varin has escaped back to his base, Ajna.

XVIII. Secret Base - Soap Opera Goes Where?

Sera is shown sitting in a window of the new base, singing again. Heat watches her for a few minutes and then interrupts, asking her if she’s really that worried about Serph. He’s angry and forceful-“Can’t you see I’m stronger than him!?”-and ends up kissing her. Bad move. Sera begins to cry, and runs away from him.

At this point Gale, Cielo, Argilla and Serph walk in.

CIELO: What’s going on? Why’re you just standing around, mon?
HEAT: …nothing. It’s nothing.

They begin to plan and discuss once more. Gale reveals that Visudha, territory of the Wolves Tribe, has been overrun by a combined force of Solids and the Brutes. Argilla protests this. Since Serph killed Mick, the Solids should have joined the Embryon. Gale says that since their emotions have been unbalanced, the Tribes have begun to disobey the Temple Laws. He demonstrates this by asking Heat and Argilla what they would do if Serph was killed by Varin. Argilla states that she would not follow Varin; the brooding Heat mutters that he’d take Serph’s place.

In the middle of this talk, a messenger enters to inform them that Lupa, leader of the Wolves, wants to speak with Serph.

GALE: Lupa? What? Where?
MESSENGER: You won’t believe this, sir! We have them detained at Svadhisthana!

Intrigued, they head to the Vanguards base to see Lupa.

XIX. Svadhisthana - What is This ‘Honor’ You Speak Of?

It ends up being Gale, not Serph, who confronts Lupa. At this point, Gale’s emotions are still dormant. Lupa’s have been awakened.

GALE: State your business.
LUPA: Will the Embryon assist us to defeat Varin?
GALE: Under what conditions?
LUPA: Your leader…will receive my head. In exchange, I ask you to treat my men fairly.

Sera gasps, but Gale frowns suspiciously. A knifeblade folds out of his shoe and he kicks out before anyone can react, holding the blade to Lupa’s throat. Excellent balance! The Wolves seem about to jump Gale, but Lupa waves them down.

GALE: What assurance do we have that you are not here on Varin’s behalf?
LUPA: I vow upon my honor.
GALE: Honor? What is this ‘honor’ you speak of?
LUPA: I see it within you as well.
GALE: I do not comprehend. How does one see such a thing?
LUPA: I see it in your eyes.

Gale’s eyes flash green and then fade to grey once more.

It seems this is good enough, because the Embryon allow Lupa to lead them down into a secret network of waterways. This is their path to Ajna.

XX. Samsara Waterways - Tragedy

As Lupa leads them into the waterways, he begins to clarify some of the strange happenings centered around Sera and the Atma. He appears to have a clearer memory of something other than the Junkyard than any other.

ARGILLA: ‘Cyber-shaman’?
LUPA: Varin has referred to the girl that way. Supposedly, she could easily destroy this world with her power.
ARGILLA: She doesn’t even know anything about herself. How could she have such power?
LUPA: Can you honestly say you know yourself?
LUPA: I’ve had several dreams about a child lately. In the dreams, he calls me Father.
ARGILLA: Dreams?
LUPA: I feel as if…I have something to tell this child. But perhaps someone else will, in my absence.
GALE: Someone else? That is illogical. I do not understand. Why do you not just tell him yourself?
LUPA: Have you ever seen a child, here in the Junkyard!
EMBRYON: !!!!!
LUPA: You are beginning to understand. Why must we continue to fight this way? Why have we developed identities? Once Varin is defeated, it is then you will discover the truth.

The waterways are a veritable maze. To make matters worse, Brutes are guarding the path at several intervals. To make things easier, Lupa sends his remaining Wolves to attack the guards, and transforms. As the three-headed dog demon Asura Cerberus, he goes ahead of the Embryon to clear their way.

This doesn’t make it much easier, because the party still has to fight their way through. They find several dead bodies of Brutes and later some Wolves as they progress, all Cerberus’ work.

They finally find the ladder that leads upwards to Ajna. As they’re about to go up, they see a flaming, much more ominous-looking Cerberus heading towards them.

GALE: Lupa-
HEAT: Stop! He’s not the same anymore!
ARGILLA: Sera, can’t you help him?
SERA: I-I can’t! He’s too far gone! I-aah!

[Battle. Cerberus is mortally injured. Gale kneels to comfort the dying Lupa.

SERA: Once the hunger overtakes you, nothing can help you anymore! That’s why…that’s why God said…this cycle of sadness must not continue!
LUPA: De…vour…me…
GALE: Lupa. What shall I tell your child?
LUPA: Tell him…to become…a man…of honor. He’ll be carrying…an olive leaf.

With that, Lupa dies. Gale’s emotions fully awaken at last.

GALE: Be you angel or demon, you will surely regret giving me this cursed power!

XXI. Ajna - Voices from the Past

There’s an empty bedroom in ruins, and the footsteps of an invisible presence. It pauses to listen to a glowing, flickering…picture frame? as it begins to speak.

Sera and the Embryon’s voices (minus Gale) are there. It sounds like they’re fooling around with a tape recorder. Sera states that they’re at a beach. Cielo laughingly interrupts. In the background, Heat and Argilla can be heard. After a minute, the recording starts to loop.

The invisible presence sweeps the frame off the desk, destroying the recording irreparably, then leaves. Below, the Embryon are making their way into Ajna, which resembles a haunted mansion ala Addams Family.

Ajna seems less like a base and more like a warped computer program, with unstable portals and digital errors all over the ruins of an opulent home. Two keys need unlocking before the path to Varin-or Beck-is finally clear, but they make it.

With no places left to cover, they look around, but see nothing. In the end, they don’t find Beck. He finds them. Violently. People are thrown into the air! Knocked into walls and stairs! They can’t see Beck until he reveals himself. He says some interesting things-like ‘how many times will you die for her?!’ to Heat, and ‘how can you follow the man who devoured you?’ to Argilla. THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT HE’S TALKING ABOUT.

Eventually Beck gets sick of it and fights them. His ability to afflict them with all-consuming hunger is counteracted by Sera, whose singing soothes it back to normalcy. They beat him too. As he dies, he has a vision of Sera walking away.

BECK: She’s…she’s a demon, too. She’s the demon that will destroy us all…

And he dies. As the Embryon dust themselves off and look around, they realize that Sera has disappeared. Despite the messages she leaves behind-not to follow, that she remembers everything and she’ll solve it-they follow her into the depths of the Karma Temple.

The constant rain has stopped.

XXII. Gateway to Paradise

This last part is an edited version of the Wikipedia summary. I got lazy.

A scene of Sera arriving at the Karma Temple earlier is shown. She’s able to control the Temple guards and the numerous demons inside. The Embryon arrive at the Karma Temple and make their way up it. Along the way, Sera leaves traps and demons behind. They approach one demon who plays a message, saying that Sera has regained her memories and that she thanks them all for helping her. They defeat the demon and continue their ascent to the top of the tower.

As they walk along the last set of stairs, Sera is shown at the top, calling out to Angel. She also has a demon beside her as protection. Angel arrives in a flash of light-she’s revealed to be a tall, dark-haired woman dressed in white. Sera says she’ll go back with Angel if the Junkyard is left alone, and threatens to have the demon kill her if it is not done. Angel is impressed at her ability, but summons a glowing green sphere that is able to dissolve the demon into data. She then proceeds to the same to the Junkyard, slowly swallowing it back into emptiness from the outside in.

The Embryon are the only ones at the Temple. Everyone else in the Junkyard is being deleted. Sera begs Angel not to delete the Junkyard, stating that she’ll go quietly. The five Embryon members arrive at the top of the tower, and Gale recognizes Angel as the woman in his visions. Angel says that she was planning on taking them with her, but that plans have changed. They proceed to rush Angel, but Sera freezes them mid-step. She says goodbye to them, and proceeds to an altar with a glowing light that presumably leads to the real world.

Serph and Heat fight the freezing, and are able to move towards her with great difficulty. Sera changes tactics and increases the gravity around them, forcing them down. Serph is able to break free of this, transforming slowly into Varna as he does so. Sera loses control, and Serph attacks Angel. She transforms into her demon form, Onmyo Harihara, and the final fight begins.

Angel transforms through out the fight. She appears to be a normal demon, until she grows to monstrous proportions. Regardless, the Embryon defeat her. Angel is stunned, and Serph takes the opportunity to attack her once more. She summons the glowing sphere to defend herself, but Serph shatters it, sending them flying to opposite sides of the tower.

Angel asks Serph what he’s done, stating that nothing can now stop the Junkyard’s deletion. The Embryon proceed to the altar, and Gale helps Angel along as well. Angel sees a vision of a different man in Gale’s face, and reluctantly takes his hand. The Embryon wait for Serph to get to the light, but the tower disintegrates before he can get to the altar.

Sera screams Serph’s name, and the entire tower explodes before any of them can reach the light. The seven of them are left floating in a void of light. Serph tries to reach Sera, but he can’t quite make it. Sera says she’ll find Serph, and he nods in response. They are separated from each other, and fall down into the light.

Game credits.

Sera is seen naked, with several cords attached to her. It looks like she has been spit out of a pod that resembles the one at the start of the game. This time, though, she’s in a factory and the pod is a huge machine in the shape of an egg.
Serph is seen wearing a cloak, entering a ruined city. The sky pans up to reveal a black sun.

Are you ready for the real world?

The DDS:AT2 script begins here.
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