Beatles Application
01. Name: Crista
02. Age: Twenty
03. Gender: Female
04. Location: Oklahoma, USA
05. Favorite Beatle: Paul <3
06. Least favorite Beatle: This might get me shot ...but John.
07. Which Beatle do you think you're most like and why? I think I'm most like George. I am thoughtful, shy, and try to keep the peace as much as possible. I am reserved, but once you get into my comfort zone, I let all the wackiness out :D
08. Favorite Beatles song: It's kind of a tie between Michelle, I'm Only Sleeping, and Within You Without You.
09. Favorite Beatles album: Rubber Soul <3
10. Describe your musical tastes (besides The Beatles): Really the only other thing I listen to at the moment is Lady GaGa xD
11. Your Strengths: I like to think that I'm unique and don't let other people's opinions of me get to my head. I'm witty and am good at cheering people up. I'm good at listening and am very dependable.
12. Your Weaknesses: Though I'm a very dedicated fried/lover, I sometimes get too attached and become too dependent on the other person. My shyness holds me back a lot too, I think. Also, I'm very lazy.
13. Talents and/or things you enjoy doing even if you aren’t talented at them: I like to make graphics. I'm constantly trying to get better at them, until I get so tired of it, that I need a month break. I also like to write, but I'm not so great at that, even though people seem to think I am.
14. Are you a leader or a follower? I'm in between. I'm too shy to tell people what to do, but too anti-everything to want to be told how to dress and how to impress people.
15. Are you serious or more of a jokester? Jokester, for sure. Unless I'm crying, which is very rare, I'm cracking stupid jokes :)
16. Are you a showman that loves the spotlight or more of a behind the scenes type person? Kind of both lol but probably more of a behind the scenes type. I like attention, but not that much.
17. What three things are most important to you in life? Music, peace, and the environment.
18. What makes you really respect a person? Their personality, if they're bold and not afraid to say what they think, no matter what, they get my respect. If they're not mean and earn my trust, they also gain my respect.
19. What are your feelings on spirituality and religion? I'm an atheist, though I don't judge other people for what they believe in.
20. Please link to three recent unstamped you have voted on:
one two three 21. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description: