Kids Theme // Stamped as Ringo

Sep 05, 2010 15:06

Application: THEME: Beatle Kids

A NOTE TO VOTERS: If you need a refresher on who’s who, a little bio and some pictures of each kid can be found here.

01. Name: Leah
02. Age: 21
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as?
Beatle: Ringo
Wife: Cynthia
Early Song: Girl
Look-A-Like: John
04. Favorite kid: Dhani; I love his new band with Joseph Arthur and Ben Harper
05. Least favorite kid: Maybe Stella. I don’t know though; She’s just so angry :P
06. Which kid do you think you're most like, and why? I’m not really sure. I don’t know much about the children; I guess Julian, maybe. I feel a little left out and such in life. I’m thinking maybe he does as well.
07. Favorite Beatle: Hard to choose, but I have a very special place for George in my heart, and I strive to be like him.
08. Least favorite Beatle: From the Beatle era? Paul. I’m very turned-off by people who cause drama. But I have great respect for all of them. Just, at some points Paul really pissed me off ;)
09. Which Beatle do you think would make the best dad? George, by far. Dhani seems to be the only Beatle kid that is extremely well rounded and content, happy, down to Earth, etc.
10. If you had the choice, would you rather be part of a larger or smaller family? Larger family, I only have one sibling and he gets the most attention. Maybe if there were more of us then I wouldn’t feel so left out and secluded. Picked on, I suppose.
11. What’s your relationship with your parents like? My parents are extremely cool, but they just don’t really know how to be parents. They’re a couple of burnout Dead Heads.
12. Do you plan on following in the footsteps of your parents or carving your own path? Carving my path, absolutely. How boring would it be if you knew what your life would be like?
13. Would you like to have an artistic career, or something else? Erm, I’m quite artistic in the sense of fashion and such. I always wanted to be a Music Video director, but I’m going to school on the medical side.
14. Do you crave the spot light or do you value your privacy? I like attention. I hate being ignored. Maybe I crave the spotlight yes.
15. How rebellious are you? I used to be more rebellious, now I’m just too busy to be!
16. Could you briefly describe your personality? I’m easily obsessive, easily stressed. I feel like I’m quite complicated, to be honest. I think you could go as far as to say I have split personalities.
17. What do you think are your main strengths? I’m a tremendous forgiver - I get over things very easily. Even big things. I’m pretty much known for not holding grudges for any reason.
18. What do you think are your main weaknesses? Maybe my easiness for forgiveness is a weakness, to a point. I don’t like when people are angry with me, or being angry with someone. I’m also easily stressed and get terrible anxiety.
19. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on:
20. [OPTIONAL] Post one or two clear pictures of yourself. Or give a brief description:

kids: heather, stamped

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