Application: THEME: Matchmaker
Application: THEME: Matchmaker
A NOTE TO VOTERS: This is a matchmaking theme! Vote which Beatle the applicant is best suited to date, not who they’re most like.
01. Name: Taylor
02. Age: 17
03. Which Beatle are you stamped as? John
04. What are your five best qualities? I think I'm pretty creative and artistic, I can stand up for myself, but I can be sensitive too, I find the beauty in the simplest of things, firm believer of BAGISM <3
05. What about your five worst? I lash out, really horribly.. sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing until I see the wreckage afterward, I'm quite violent.. I'm lazy, plain and simple, I literally do nothing unless it interests me, and I always fight with my parents about it. I have self hate... but I'm learning to forgive myself.
06. What are you really passionate about? Peace through art and music, there's this one interview that I saw with John and some woman reporter and she was being a bitch, but anyway they were talking about how his music "didn't" affect people in anyway.. and didn't save lives. And I'm sitting there thinking.. you know what.. John saved my life.. and that woman had no right to speak for me, or anybody. I can just feel something about to happen.. something big.. and I want to be a part of it. We are the future adults of this country, and we need to build it on peace.
07. What are your goals in life? Travel the world, promote peace, become part of something that is more than myself, change the world.. or maybe even just one person.. I wanna do it all.
08. What does your perfect man/woman look like? I don't prefer any look over any other. I love someone for their mind, their soul.. but especially... I love John. He's... my everything.
09. How important are looks when dating someone? See above. Not important at all. And I stress this all the time. When you love someone, they're attractive to you anyway.. don't you notice that? When they could be fucking disgusting to someone else, they're the most beautiful being in the world to you.. and it's all perspective... and it doesn't matter anyway if someone doesn't dig who I like I'll say screw you.. it doesn't matter what you think.
10. Describe your ideal relationship: I can't describe an ideal relationship because really.. every relationship is different. I mean.. I'll admit, I like to be in control in relationships, and it's usually for the best anyway.. cause guys make stupid decisions.. I have to steer them.
11. Name five personality traits in your ideal man/woman: Heh, I guess I like people who are like me. They say opposites attract, but they really don't.. I'm usually attracted to people who are like me, so I have more in common with them. A few others?? Hmm.. artistic, and creative.. a kind of artsy type, and good music taste, and by good I mean.. likes the same music I do. Because music is my world, and art is my passion. Maybe a bad ass.. because people tend to think I'm one myself xD
12. What are your total turnoffs? Gangstaas xD Nah, I don't have many turnoffs (hehe) except maybe if your name starts with P and ends in aul McCartney.. but seriously.. I don't like people who are boring and bland.
13. Do you tend to go for the bad boy or the nice guy? Oooh the bad boy, who is a sensitive little child on the inside <3
14. Do you prefer someone who’s more shy or outgoing? I like a little bit of both, I mean.. no one is completely either of the two.
15. Do you like more old-fashioned chivalry or do you want to be complete equals? For example, should the man always pay for your dinner, or do you always split the bill? Oh, here is my forte.. I want to be seen as his equal.. totally. I need a say in what goes, and I don't believe in the womens place being in the kitchen, this isn't the 1800's.. women work the same jobs as men, if not harder jobs.. my mother is a labor worker and works circles around most men... oh here I go again.. but really. I shall be his complete equal, we'd be more like... one being.
16. How close do you like to be with your partner? Do you love to do everything together, or need your own space? I'm not going to lie.. I really get paranoid in a relationship, always worried he's going to cheat, and I want to spend every moment with them.. but I do need a little bit of space, not much though.. I love being with my partner and I love spending time with him, creating things together, going places, or just cuddling <3
17. How does your crush go about winning you over? humor, I love a guy who can make me laugh, but also.. I'd love if behind all that he was serious, and we could talk for hours about things. He'd probably win me over just by saying hello to me, but in reality I just fall for a guy who... means something to me, like I can almost feel the connection between us.. weird right?
18. You and one of the Beatles go on a first date. Tell us a little about it: Ohh... fun. Well I don't know.. dating is kind of a drag, I'm usually friends with someone and it kind of leads into a relationship. But anyway.. it'd be with John, and we'd just hang out, get high, eat some cornflakes and then get into a huge discussion on some worldly matter, and I'd be like.. dang you sexy.. and he'd be like man I'm horny.. and I'd be like.. let's have sex.. then we would.. possibly, not in actuality. and then we'd be like.. ho shit.. I think I love you, and then we'd spend each and every moment together and make love and kiss and throw a brick at Pauls house xD and not go dancing, cause I hate dancing.. but we'd totes go chill with Ringo and play with that racecar thingie
19. Please link to three recent applications you have voted on: