The Beatles: Rock Band for the Wii: Friend Code and Wi-Fi help!

Sep 16, 2009 20:10

The Beatles: Rock Band for the Wii
Friend Code and Wi-Fi help!
Let's connect and play/challenge eachother, Nintendo Wii owning Beatles fans!
I'll teach you how to turn your Wi-Fi on, how to find your friends code, and how to add friends!

There was a previous post about this but i'm going to help everyone out here who said that they coudn't find thier Wii friend codes.
Also including a wonderful Beatles spam (with large pics!) under the cut to go along!

Making sure your Wi-Fi is turned on:
This is done through your Wii menu. If you have a wireless router for internet in your home, you can connect and use Wi-Fi on your Wii. Go to the Wii options on the main Wii menu. (The button that says "Wii" in the bottom left corner) Go to system settings. Go to page 2 of system settings and click on Internet. Click connection settings and choose one of the connections and have it search for your home router that has wireless connection (or other source of internet connection, ect. ect.) Once you have the connection established with your router, you should be internet connected.

Then, go back to till you get to page 2 again and click on WiiConnect24, click on it and turn it to "on".

You should from this point be online and ready to go!

(If you have any problems with this tricky section, i'll try to address them)

Finding your friend code:
This is found in the Beatles: Rock Band game itself. Go to Online Settings on the second to the bottom of the main menu, then go to manage friends. Near the top it will say Your Friend Code: #### - #### - ####
This is the code you share and swap with everyone you'd like to friend connect with on the game.

Adding someone's friends code:
To add a friend's code, it will say "add friend" on the very bottom left corner of the screen, click it and it will open up a keypad to enter your friend's code. (the one that someone had shared with you) Once you have it entered, and it is a correct and valid code, it will be put into your "pending friends" (center of the botton of the screen) Until both you and your friend have confirmed codes, they will not be put on your friends list. Once you both have confimed codes, they will be on your friends list!

Once again, if you do have any problems, i'll try to adress them!

Also: Feel free to swap friends codes in this thread!

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