Title: The Art 4/?
bbgirlzPairing: John/Paul
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We own nothing, alas, for we do not a own a Beatle :(
Authors' Notes: We've written this thing ridiculously far ahead, but we still don't know how long it will be exactly.
John hadn't return. Paul had been half-hoping that he would. It was strange really. He couldn't explain why John not returning hurt him just a bit. He tried to brush it off, it was just some random guy who liked Elvis right? But that was far easier said than done.
Paul was on his day off and he was spending the afternoon with George
George had been Paul's friend for a long time, they had almost grown up together. Once George had reached his second year in high school he'd found his niche in a group of goths. And while he wasn't as into it as some he definitely changed a bit.
George had an older brother Pete, that he never talked much about, well, he didn't talk about much of anything for that matter, he was rather quiet.
Paul and George had agreed to meet up at a place for some lunch. Both Paul and George had saved up enough from their prospective jobs to go and eat this once.
They were sitting talking. Just catching up, even though they were childhood friends they were also very busy with their lives now. They exchanged useless information and laughed a lot.
Randomly and Elvis song came on amongst the newer pop music, it was odd.
Paul smiled. He thought of John then, no particular reason but he remembered how passionate John had been about Elvis.
"Why are you smiling?" George asked.
"Can't I smile for no reason?" Paul replied.
"Yes, but there's usually an explanation when a dreamy look accompanies the smile."
Paul blushed a bit, "About a week ago, a guy came into work--"
"Aw," George mockingly swooned.
"Shut up. And he was soaked," Paul continued.
"Which /never/ happens here in England."
Paul glared at him, "And he told me he liked Elvis."
George looked like he was about to say something when suddenly Richard popped up.
He looked at the blank expressions on both of their faces "Oh, it's nice to know I'm so welcome, you did invite me here today Georgie," Richard said.
"I know Ritchie, sit down."
From out of the corner of his eye, Paul thought he saw John walk by.
"Excuse me," he said and stood up.
He walked to the figure and discovered that it was indeed John.
"John?" Paul said quietly.
"Fuck off," John said sharply.
Paul was taken aback, he wasn't usually spoken to like that. "P-pardon?"
John put on his glasses to look at the person the hurt look came from. His eyes widened, "Sorry."
There was just one question on Paul's tongue at that moment, no matter how needy he knew he sounded when he said it, "How come you never came back?"