Not a soul showed up.
We have rescheduled for October.
That is all.
That’s right: the new slogan to be emblazoned on everyone’s license plates is the Indy 500-tinged “Restart Your Engines.” If you ever needed to a reason to get a Hoosier Trust/Environmental plate.... As I commented to
arielblue I don’t know why they don’t just print “Flyover Country” on everything and get it over with.
Sunday, May 7
Chatterbox Jazz Club (435 Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, IN) TB solo; also featuring
TonyWhoa and musician Kyle Quass.
The Chatterbox gig on Sunday was sparsely attended, which really wasn’t too surprising considering how beautiful the weather and how dark and *cough* smok---*cough* *KOFF!* smoky the Chatterbox is. Yeah, I know it’s a jazz club. Tony Woah opened and wowed with his moderately Christian but soothingly upbeat urban neo-hip-hop skillz. I want to try to get him down here to feature. I liked what he was doing and think he would do great with a larger, slightly more poetry-friendly audience. I’d like to see him really work a crowd.
Yours truly brought up the rear of the poetry segment of the evening, and the barflies at the counter seemed to be digging what I was doing, for the most part, except for a Loud Table that came in, sat in front of the PA speakers, and started up a conversation. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, people? They were undaunted even by my infamous stink-eye, but left about two poems in.
Still love that room, though. Great atmosphere, cute alterna-waitresses, and Indianapolis turned into a real-live big city once the sun went down. A beautiful night out at the sidewalk tables, under a deepening blue sky, half moon, stars mistaken for airplanes, the Murat over my shoulder, a jazz quintet whipping it up on stage.
Chatterbox Set:
I remember cigarettes
Cody, Wyoming
Our Killing Styles
The Worst Poet I Ever Recorded
Cicada Blues
Jason Ammerman hosted but opted not to read, though he and I came back and each did a poem with the Kyle Quass’s quintet as they started their set. MAN, they threw down some mighty groove-based jazz. Kyle liked my piece and I was very impressed with his playing and his combo in general. TIGHT rhythm section is what I’m sayin’. I read “Spark” with them. Ammerman did a Ginsberg tribute piece that worked very well, too. Kyle has asked about doing some future collaboration, which would be awesome.
MATRIX Poetry Workshop
Tuesday, May 9 @ 7p
at Bazaar Cafe
(next to the Runcible Spoon on 6th)
Bring 6 copies of your poem and prepare yourself for helpful feedback!
(It's fun, we promise.)
Friday, May 12 @ 7p
The Rudyard Kipling (422 W. Oak St., Louisville, KY)
jkerschb will be a featured reader for the May edition of the
InKY Reading Series. Your humble narrator will very stealthily infiltrate the open mic that night.