Aug 17, 2010 23:19
Would be shocked by the whole Dr. Laura racism flap if I gave her any thought. As it stands, it was kind of nice of her to remind me that she's still out there, still hideous.
Blowhards only take up as much air as we give them.
Jul 07, 2010 14:48
Today is hot and blue and perfect. I'm happy to be alive most every day, but today, it feels like a privilege. I want to fill out a comment card on this day and drop it into the sun's suggestion box: Great job.
Jul 06, 2010 12:51
These days I'm too busy to even hate my enemies properly. There oughta be a service that takes care of that for you.
Jul 06, 2010 12:31
When you come right down to it, all we want is to love and to be re-tweeted.