Log: Ghanesh Path & Plague Briefing

Jan 28, 2009 13:42

Wed Jan 28 10:41:59 2009

--[ Along the Ghenesh pathway(#3014RJ) ]---------------------[ Somewhere ]----

Snowy weather in a forest.

Addison, Beatrice, Benedict, Jaeger, Meric, and Robin are here.

--[ setting ]----------------------------------------------[ Exits: None ]----

Beatrice has returned to camp recently and filed some papers. Word goes around that she has a general briefing to offer. A shelter by some canvas has allowed for setting-up of a map.

Addison wanders into the camp from Amber via some mysterious and interesting means of locomotion. It certainly isn't a trump. And a few whispers of fog and grey still cling to his clothing as he emerges and walks into the camp like, really, nothing strange is going on at all. But he is polite enough to ditch his smoke before he gets into the camp proper.

The Lost Boys, sitting down for the briefing, are indulging in synchronised fidgetting.

Robin, of course, is already positioned close enough to the shelter and the map to be able to see and hear the briefing. Fortunately, the previous day's exertions seem to have done no significant lasting damage.

Addison gives Robin a bright smile and a wave as he wanders close enough to be able to hear the briefing. Black notebook is already in hand.

Beatrice explains, pointing, "The Ghanesh shadowpath, Amber at the bottom, Ghanesh at the top. Our position for the battle was here," she points mid-way-ish, "And we've advanced to here," she points up a bit, "Since yesterday. This line," she shows a sketched line arcing across the top a ways up, "Is more or less the line of where Imre was able to determine the edge of the infection zone. We found a settlement here," off to the right, "That was in the process of infection and up here," Further up, "A local point of origin for the plague...." She has more, pauses to glance around to make sure they are all with her.

The Lost Boys take a moment to explain to their officer what a map is, in quiet tones.

Robin returns Addison's smile with an equally bright one of her own, although thereafter she is entirely absorbed in the briefing. Although not actually taking notes, the expression of intense interest is certainly unmistakable.

Addison just takes notes, because it's what he does.

Beatrice eyes Rupert briefly, and goes on. "The tribe that has attacked us are the Windclaws. After discussion with some prisoners, it seems they have a rite of manhood that involves swimming across the lake in this settlement, which is at the far end of their migration trails, in the cold of winter. It was here they first encountered the plague and, upon encountering a party of Amber nobles and royals out to investigate, felt provoked to once again 'Kill the Mountain'. Though they are still riled and have gone back to raise more troops, they've lost the bulk of their strength to us yesterday. From what we have determined, this is separate from and more or less coincidental to the spread of the plague."

Rupert takes being explained to in good heart. He manages to settle his Lost Boys, or at least to shut them up.

Meric is off somewhere not listening to the briefing. Maybe he wandered off to look around or something.

Beatrice remarks, "It seems those very large warm-blooded lizards we saw yesterday may constitute their family homes, so I'd expect to see a deal more of them if we ever push into Windclaw territory proper. Now, before I move onto the plague itself, are there any questions?"

Beatrice might be grateful for Lost-Boys-quietude, but too savvy to take further outward notice of it, lest they be provoked.

Robin shakes her head; she has no questions. Not at present, at least. The mention of potential for further brontosauroid encounters does produce a very slight, momentary wince.

The Lost Boys do not even ask stupid questions. They must be here for the briefing instead!

Beatrice explains, "The plague itself seems to engender a sort of docile... herd mentality, in those it effects. We have reason to suspect an intelligence behind the spread of the plague; there may be those unaffected and immune who are directing those affected. We've seen more than one case of them deliberately dumping infected bodies into water sources to spread the contamination. To the best of our knowledge yesterday, this has not yet spread through Ghanesh proper. It is mainly on the shadowpath. The far part of it."

Addison asks, "I have a couple of questions regarding the nature of the disease."

Beatrice nods, "Please, ask them, but first let me mention we are fortunate to have with us some plague experts on loan from the Mandrake military -- they are wearing red arm bands and are in general assisting the camp with protecting itself. I issue no orders, but want you all to be aware of their importance here. Yes, Knight-Major Feldane?"

(Short version of Q&A was: we don't know that yet)

windclaws, plague, beatrice, robin, ghenesh, addison, lost boys, briefing, logs, jaeger

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