(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 15:15

I'm transferring my livejournal to heliocentrism, by the by.

I have had the most geeky christmas ever. Santa brought me a porcelain R2D2 mug, a 256mb video card finally compatible with my Marie, a lightsaber, new cell phone, and a toy millenium falcon. Completely awesome. My friend Cassie bought me a book, What's the Difference? by Marc Tyler Nobleman.

(All bolding as printed)
"A geek seems to be any smart person with an obsessive interest. Despite widespread misconception, that interest does not have to be computers or Star Trek. While those are two of the most visible kinds of geeks, there are also comic book geeks, reality TV geeks, World War II geeks, motorcycle geeks, organic food geeks, political geeks, and sports geeks. As such, most of us are geeks of one kind of another, whether or not we admit it." I don't know if I agree. Allow me to continue.
"A nerd is any smart person with obsessive interest and lack of social grace. (Yes, this implies that geeks can indeed have social grace.) Nerds are uncompromisingly pure, often more comfortable with themsleves than non-nerds are. They are not by definition wimpy. In fact, they are courageous because they do not give in to the expectations of a superficial society. The one possible exception to this is their drive to excel academically, particularly in the realm of intelligence testing: nerds are promiscuous studiers. It's a generalization rooted in truth that they gravitate toward math, science and technology."
"Geeks can blend in, nerds stand out, though neither craves acceptance." Note the word "can" is included in 'geek's' definition, but nerds seem to ALWAYS stand out.
"Geekdom is a lifestyle choice and nerdom is quite possibly genetic, though ever a cursory check of any decade-old high school yearbook will invariably turn up a nerd who has been beatend biology and blossomed into hunkdom or babedom... Both geeks and nerds can be extroverted, but the effect is different:geeks annoy and nerds elicit (unneeded) sympathy." Geeks annoy? Where does the definition imply this?
And finally; "Related terms: A dork is a person you don't even pretend to like, with good reason. Unlike geeks, nerds, and dweebs, dorks are often stupid, grating, or otherwise unpleasant." I've always related dorks to people who fit into categories of both dorkdom and nerdom.

What do ya'll think of these comparisons?

What was the "geekiest" gift you recieved?
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