for those of you who have had problems with your computer..

Aug 12, 2003 17:19

ServantToTheDark: dont go!
ServantToTheDark: have a solution for you
xgirlsvomitcandy: okay
ServantToTheDark: right before it shuts down do you get some error message about "NT Authority" and some other crap
ServantToTheDark: ?
xgirlsvomitcandy: yes
ServantToTheDark: ok here is what you need to do
ServantToTheDark: next time it give you that error
ServantToTheDark: click start, run
ServantToTheDark: and type in
ServantToTheDark: shutdown -a
ServantToTheDark: exactly like that
ServantToTheDark: that will abort the shutdown and give you some time
ServantToTheDark: after that I will walk you through the steps to remove the worm
xgirlsvomitcandy: okay.
xgirlsvomitcandy: thanksssss muchly o.o; what caused it?
ServantToTheDark: new virus thats going around
ServantToTheDark: its totally fucking a lot of people
xgirlsvomitcandy: how'd I get it?
ServantToTheDark: it is a program floating around the net that scans the ports in your computer
xgirlsvomitcandy: okay I just did the shutdown -a
ServantToTheDark: shutdown -a
ServantToTheDark: yes
xgirlsvomitcandy: now what?
ServantToTheDark: ok hit alt-ctrl-del to bring up the task manager
ServantToTheDark: click on the Process tab
ServantToTheDark: look in the for something called "blaster.exe"
xgirlsvomitcandy: msblast.exe?
ServantToTheDark: yes
ServantToTheDark: select it, and hit the "end process" button
ServantToTheDark: now close that, we are done there
ServantToTheDark: go to start, run, and type this
ServantToTheDark: msconfig
ServantToTheDark: and hit enter
ServantToTheDark: it open?
xgirlsvomitcandy: mmhm
ServantToTheDark: ok click on the startup tab
ServantToTheDark: look for that same "Mblast" thing, and remove the check next to it.
xgirlsvomitcandy: msblast?
ServantToTheDark: yes
ServantToTheDark: remove the check next to it
ServantToTheDark: then click ok. the computer will ask ou if ou want to restaart
ServantToTheDark: tell it no
ServantToTheDark: now you need to run a full virus scan
ServantToTheDark: and make sure your virus definitions are updated
ServantToTheDark: now that you know how to dissable the restart with the "shutdown -a" command, you can keep your system up long enough to get what you need to get done

BIG thanks to Leth! :D

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