Not resized, so like it the way they are:) These are just a few from Thursday with TriShy:)
ToO cUte;)
I look mad here because I'm daydreaming and off in space, but so very happy.. so very happy:)
These lights showed up awesome in the pictures..
I'm going to update all about YeT aNoThEr aMaZiNg WeEkeNd wiTh My FiaNce<3 Very soon, my friends very soon.. I'm just so tired:) It was just so wonderful, sometimes I think I could stop time and live in all those perfect moments until the end of time.. <3
BaBy-I love you dearly.. with all my heart.. more than anything in this world, you're so amazing.. thank you for everything you are and for being such a blessing in my life<3
TriShy-I love you to death!!:)
EvEryOnE ElSe-Have a beautiful night and much love to you!