Question about men...

Jan 09, 2008 20:36

OK, so It's been awhile since I've been on here, but I'v been discussing something with some friends and I feel like they just don't know where I'm coming from.

First a little background.  I'm 24(soon to be 25) single girl.  I've been plus size my whole life and I'm currently about a 20/22 depending on the maker of the clothing.

So here's the issue.  There is a guy at work that I noticed back around thanksgiving, in fact he introduced himself to me the day after thanksgiving.  So since then we exchanged casual "hello how are you" when we see each other.  Well one weekend I was on myspace and I was looking at another coworkers page and sawa distant picture of someone with same name as this guy, so I click on it to see if it his him.  I go to his pictures and it's him for sure.  He has no problems showing off his six pack!  So a few days later he either found me through the mutual coworker or has a tracker because he added me.  Now at this point we hadn't said more than a few words to each other.  So I added him back and left him a comment saying thanks for the add.  So since then he has commented on either something I'm reading or wearing about once a week.  I usually return the compliment or ask him something about him.  Well I decided to be a little more daring and when I saw him in the break room one day this morning I spoke with him a little longer, he asked my opinion on what he should have for breakfast that morning and I threw out a casual "We should hang out sometime" and he responded with "yeah we should, I've just been really busy lately, but I'm definitley trying to make more time to hang out with people"  So I left it at.  Later that afternoon, we had a discussion about cooking, just things we like to cook.

So I'm sure I'm not the only one who has had the same thoughts, does he like me or is he just trying to be nice?  He is a generally nice guy, so its hard to tell if he's just being nice or if he really does want to hang out sometime.  Most of my friends are skinny or married so they just say the "of course he likes you, he wouldn't talk to you if he didn't like you, you're a great girl" speech.  But honestly, guys that look like him rarely give me the time of day, let alone ask for my opinions and or ask anything about me.

Any advice?
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