Title: Her Man Was the One Flying
Characters: Zoe, mentions of Wash, Mal, Kaylee, and River
Summary: They made it. They really made it.
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG for mentions of sex and canonical character death
Setting/Spoilers: Set right after Wash’s amazing flying antics in Serenity (the movie).
They made it. They really made it.
Well of course they did, Zoe corrected herself sharply. Her man was flying the boat, wasn’t he? Of course they made it. She never should have doubted. He could have flown them through all that backwards. Well, maybe not, but he was still the best pilot flying, including the captain.
They were going to have some really good sex later. Assuming they survived, that is, which they would, because her man was the one flying.
It was dark except for a dim red glow, which just made everything look hazy. She couldn’t see Wash, but she imagined he looked rather pleased with himself. Probably pretty sexy too.
Lots of really good sex. Amazing sex. Mal would have to drag them out of their bunk.
Her plans for sexual conquest were interrupted by everyone shouting they were okay. She glanced back to River and Kaylee, who looked scared out of their minds but mostly unharmed.
Wash, of course, was fiddling with the controls and gloating. He started to say something, probably something downright clever, but he was cut off as something crashed into the front of the ship.
He wasn’t talking anymore.
“Wash? Baby?”