Update, dunno how brief I'll end up being. But I am now, finally, settled into Canada. I found a place at the end of last week and moved in on Friday. It's actually right at Yonge and Bloor on top of the Marriott. One might ask how a poor, starving student can afford such posh accommodations, but I am now not only just a poor student, but I am a
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Comments 10
Is The Vegetarium still running at The International Student House? You could eat really well there for hella-cheap on campus.
Also, groceries-wise, you will get the most food for your money if you buy your food as close to its raw state as possible. That necessitates plenty of cooking on your part, though. I'm too lazy to do as much of that as I probably should.
You could consider changing your budget to $150/week instead of $20/day. That would give you a slightly larger amount of money to spend and much more flexibility on when to spend it.
As for groceries, yeah, I don't mind cooking, but even getting stuff in it's raw state (chicken, produce, any meat other than pork) tends to be very expensive. I need to learn how to do this juggling thing.
As for the 150 a week suggestion? I actually like it. I might end up changing my thinking over to that way instead of 20 a day. Still debating, but it's a great suggestion. Thank you!
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