first survey, last survey? i dunno man... all i can say right now is that here at my house, i have way too much time on my hands.
First best friend: sophie clark. i think.
First real memory of something: all so fuzzy with the exceptions of scattered, random snapshot incidents. so i don't know which came when, but i have this memory of standing in my backyard by tall yellow hyacinths in a cotton dress with my brother to one side, and the tree by the flowers towered tall above us.
First real kiss: ninth grade, "real kiss," whatever.
First job: stamping brochures for my mom at her office when she was a travel agent in wheatland plaza. i got to sit at a desk in the back when i was sick or had a day off from school and stamp the agency logo on all brochures for places like las vegas, the carribbean, disney world, and other various tropical resorts. i think her manager paid me $5 one day because i was a STAMPING MACHINE.
First crush: matt taylor for the majority of second grade. we pretended he was prince eric from the little mermaid on the blacktop during recess after lunch. then when he actually finally knew who i was and started to wave to me when we passed each other in the hall, my family moved away.
First screen name: tinmoon
First self purchased album: the first music i ever bought were the following cassette tapes: the cranberries no need to argue, ace of base the sign, and the beatles rubber soul.
First funeral: ...
First pets: motley and jazzy, the sweet and neurotic cats.
First piercing/tattoo: when audrey pierced my ears with needles she sterilized by match in a bathroom in the mcguffey house the night before she flew back to switzerland.
First credit card: virginia credit union. but i guess that's more of a debit. credit cards scare me... !
First enemy: there was this older big hispanic kid with scars on his face in the 6th grade when i was in second who would chase me and my friends emily and charlotte around the blacktop during recess and try to scare us. we called him "the big guy" and would scatter whenever we saw him coming outside from lunch. and then there was some girl named lauren i think who lived next door to my family at some point... she would invite herself over all the time and steal my stick-on earrings. that wasn't too cool.
First big trip: all the trips to nashville during summers growing up.
First play/musical/performance: narrator for a play about an african myth that had something to do with elephants when i was in second grade.
First musician you remember hearing in your house: probably the beatles or joni mitchell or something like that, my parents played a lot of their records.
Last cigarette: nope.
Last big car ride: the last major one was when my dad drove me up to school for the first time.
Last good cry: i really don't remember.
Last library book checked out: books on catholicism for my religion paper.
Last movie seen: the pianist, so good.
Last beverage drank: dr pepper !
Last food consumed: wheat thins & some kind of vegetable dip thing of my mom's.
Last crush: ;)
Last phone call made: stevo to tell him i had a dentist appointment and couldn't go see the return of the king, again.
Last time showered: around noon today.
Last shoes worn: beige clarks.
Last CD played: ok computer.
Last item bought: coffee with sarah.
Last annoyance: boredom on this break.
Last soda drank: dr pepper.
Last ice cream eaten: chocolate with oreo at the marble slab with stevo & marty. ice cream places that mix in the toppings are the best... !
Last shirt worn: white sweater thing.
Last website visited: clicking around the livejournals...
haha, that definitely got more boring as it went on...
the end.