Top 3 Under-rated Bands:
1. Willie Nelson
2. The Working Title
3. Acceptance
Top 3 Over-rated bands:
1. Coldplay (sorry i know thats going to piss a bunch of you off but ever song is the same. its time for the drummer to learn a new beat. just not my thing.)
2. Say Anything.
3. NickelBack.
Top 5 bands you miss (this could mean you miss them because they're not a band any longer, or just because they haven't put an album out in at least 1 1/2 years)
1. Beloved
2. One Six Conspiracy
3. The Format
4. Glassjaw
5. The Working Title (when is the cd coming out!?)
Number 1 invention, in your lifetime, that you think has affected the world.
Personal Computer?! hell i dunno.
Top 10 (current) bands and/or songs you’re listening to most in no particular order:
1. He is Legend
2. Glassjaw
3. Dwight Yoakam
4. Anberlin
5. Secret Lives!
6. Haste The Day
7. The Forecast
8. Dead Poetic
9. Acceptance
10. Co and Ca