Name: Jimi Honochick (I chagned the spelling to that of Hendrix)
Age: 18
Birthday: 2/15/87
Location: Pennsylvania
Sexuality (Just for reference. Your answer here will in no way disqualify you from entry.): I like women.
Favorite musical genre (If rock, please specify.): Classic Rock/Jam Rock/The Blues
Favorite bands/artists: Led Zeppelin (#1 by far), Bob Dylan, The Who, Pink Floyd, RHCP, DMB, Jimi Hendrix
Three to five favorite songs (Name artists): "Wish You Were Here"- Pink Floyd, "Fool in the Rain"- Led Zeppelin, "The Times They Are A-Changin"- Bob Dylan, "Imagine"- John Lennon
Who’s your favorite musician and why?: Bob Dylan. Just him, his guitar and a harmonica were all he needed. His lyrics were some of the most beautiful ever written. Also he defined his era and really left a mark in history.
Musical genre and bands you hate and why?: Punk/Emo I just feel like all they do is whine (their lyrics and their voices) and that they think faster means better. They just play bad riffs really quickly and throw in drum beat with way overdone double bass. Also you never see a bassist who tries to creat a melody and they all use a pick.
Why is music important to your life? (Be specific, this question is important.): Music isn't important to my life, it is my life. I listen to it all the time. I play bass guitar, guitar, and harmonica. I'm thinking about buying a mandolin and learning to play that as well in honor of John Paul Jones.
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: The woman is pregnant let her choose. Don't make every woman everywhere have to have their baby. Anyways, if a woman wants an abortion she will get an abortion, legal or not.
Stem Cell Research: If its to strengthen the weak, go for it.
Gay Marriage: It doesn't affect me so why should I have a problem with it.
Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illegal, and such): Legalize them all and let people deal with the consequences.
Government in General: Mankind needs someone guiding it. We may not have the best people doing it but it's still working.
Religion: Popular religions have changed hundreds of times over our history. It's all a crock of bull.
Waffles: I loves me some waffles.
Other Info
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
Favorite Book: Crime and Punishment
Favorite Movies: LotR
Other Likes: I like raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mitten. Brown paper packages tied up with strings. Those were a few of my favorite things.
Dislikes: When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad
Something funny or interesting about yourself (Interesting facts and or stories will do nicely): one time i was at the bar with my friend steve and a guy came up to us and asked "do you know where the bathrooms are" steve said "down the hall and to the left" oh steve stabbed him. (i hope someone out there watches comedy central)
Rant about something. Anything you think would be worth our while: Well I enjoy long walks on the beach and beautiful sunsets. I also like chocolate. It's delicious. You almost got me with the waffles question. That was pretty tricky. I'm done.