Name: Linds.
Age: 15 years.
Birthday: July 28th.
Location: Bumblefuck, nice to see you. TN.
Sexuality: Straight... Go boys. :]
Favorite musical genre: It varies, really. I stick more to anything rock. I enjoy anything from classic rock to heavy metal. Although, I do like the occasional Indie.
Favorite bands/artists:
- Nine Inch Nails
- Placebo
- Kill Hannah
- E Nomine
- Rammstein
- Pink Floyd
- Lostprophets
- Dream Theater
- White Zombie
- Brand New
Three to five favorite songs (Name artists):
- Heresy || Nine Inch Nails
- The Trial || Pink Floyd
- Living Dead Girl || Rob Zombie
- Sic Transit Gloria... Glory Fades || Brand New
Who’s your favorite musician and why?:
- Mozart. Consider it cliche? Guess who does care. I love listening to classical music, it calms me down, puts me in the absolute perfect mood for writing or drawing.
Musical genre and bands you hate and why?:
- Rap. I find it absolutely mindless. There is no structure and no point but to have hostility towards SOMEONE.
- New Found Glory. I cannot stand this band. I personally think their lyrics are rather shoddy and the singer's voice sounds like nails on a chalk board.
Why is music important to your life?: My dad and I always used to bond through music. We would always have fun little bickering fests about which bands were better, which lyrics were more "meaningful", etc...
He died when I was 12 years old. And as the years went on, I started getting really depressed and doing some rather stupid shit. After a while, I got out all of his old CDs and started listening to them again, and they were really the closet memory I had of him. They were what kept me going.
...Specific enough for you?
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: Pro-choice. To put it bluntly, a woman's body is her OWN fucking business. Even if you dont approve, it is never your place to tell someone else what to do with their body and their life.
Stem Cell Research: I think it is ridiculous how our government currently treats the stem cell research. It's pretty much as badly as they act towards abortion, I mean, same basic concept. I think that stem cell research should be allowed to continue for one main reason. It could lead to great advances in medicines. And to all the people who say it's "cruel" or some bullshit like that, I'd like to tell them all. IT'S SOME FUCKING CELLS. It cant feel anything yet, it cant think for itself. Kthx.
Gay Marriage: I am definately pro-gay marriage. I find it absurd to deny gays the right to marry. And oh, these people, they crack me up. "Okay guys, you can have ALMOST every right as a married couple. But you will be denied certain liberties that straight people would have, oh and you cant call it marriage. Sorry." The only reason that our government wants to ban it, is because it was written in the BIBLE that homosexuality is a sin. Well, I've got news for you. Seperation of Church and State. Last time we mixed the two, people were burned at the stake. The government wants to keep the idea of the "perfect American family" alive, when in all reality, there has NEVER been the perfect family. The ideas of family are changing, they've changed over the centuries. The ideas of family today are much different than they were two centuries ago.
Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illegal, and such): I honestly dont have much to say about this subject. I suppose you consider me "Swiss" on the whole drugs and alcohol issue, mainly because, I attempt to play as a nuetral party. I've never done drugs. I've had alcohol, never been drunk. I think that drugs are good way to throw your whole life away, and alcohol... same thing. My dad died because of alcohol. But... I'm not here to tell you what you should or should not do, if you want to do drugs or drink, that's fine by me. I can understand some people's point of view in wanting to be rid of it all, but that's also somewhat... overly binding, if that makes any sense... which it probably doesnt. but oh well.
Government in General: Government... Hmm. I think that the idea of government is a good idea. People and masses are stupid. It's just human nature. People are stupid in groups, they dont know what to do, they dont know how to act. But I find that the American government... well. I'm not too pleased with it. We preach democracy across the fucking globe, yet we arent even one. Technically, we are a Republic. Not a democracy. and if you look at things REALISTICALLY. We are a theocracy. The church rules almost all of our government, whether we like it or not.
Religion: Ah, religion. Isnt this fun? I'm going to be honest. I am an Atheist. I have no problem with people of different faiths than my own. I'm friends with Buddhists, Taoists, Christians, Catholics, Agnostics, Satanists, Pagans, Wiccans, hell. I'm dating a Christian. [
flaqueza]. I dont mind if you differ in your religious beliefs with me, as long as you do not force your religion upon me, we'll be all good. And it's a two way street. I'm not going to go out of my way and force my opinion on religion down people's throats. It's just not nice... Heh.
Waffles: I love me some waffles. ^.^
Other Info
Favorite Food: Dots. ^.^
Favorite Book: Something Wicked This Way Comes
Favorite Movies: A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club, Something Wicked This Way Comes, and Pink Floyd: The Wall.
Other Likes: art, horseback riding, crew [rowing, for those that dont know...], writing, drawing, Projector Screens of Doom, oh. and your mum. she's great.
Dislikes: All in all, I have a very low stupidity tolerance. That should sum that up.
Something funny or interesting about yourself (Interesting facts and or stories will do nicely):
- I'm very short...
- Steven is probably a good foot taller than I am. It makes me feel small.
- I have an interesting obsession with writing on people.
- I highly enjoy the shag carpet at Ross's house.
- i KaNt StAnD wEn PpL tYp LyKe DiZ. [dies]
- i have ridden horses since I was about two years old. A few years back, my horse stopped at a 3 ft. jump, then decided to jump it. I was thrown forward into a fence, causing two of my vertebrae to wedge together. Mmm. Yummy.
Rant about something. Anything you think would be worth our while: I cannot stand reality television, it's mindless, stupid and completely. UnREALISTIC. Honest to god, if reality is that at the end of a TV show you get 1 million dollars [Joe Millionaire], then holy fuck, I've been in the WRONG reality. You know what a real reality show should be? Something Foamy based. As Foamy puts it:
OH, and this fucking Fearie Factor bullshit. Yeah, eat a bunch of liquified rats and we'll give you three thousand dollars. I am so sick of these shows that try to enduce fear. You wanna see fear? How about I stick your fucking contestants in a room, chain 'em down naked into metal chairs that are wired to a heating system. What you do, is you turn up the heat slowly, steadily increasing the amount of heat being conducted through the metal chairs until they're as hot as a branding iron. Then once they've passed out due to the extreme pain brought about by a 32 hour burning flesh fest, hang 'em on the wall by their arms in a room where the only visible thing is a sign that says "you have this much time left to live" with a countdown underneath, staring at 24 hours and counting down by the second. So now they gotta hang there, just watching the clock, wondering what's going to happen. How're they gunna die? will it be worse than the heated chairs?! no one knows!
These arent very recent... Sorry. My hair is much shorter now...
/dramatic look.
You see... This is what happens at 4 am when you give my friends duct tape... I end up taped to a chair. Wtfbbq.
ho em geez. /le glare.
kthx. THE END.