Sexuality (Just for reference. Your answer here will in no way disqualify you from entry.):Straight
Favorite musical genre (If rock, please specify.): To pick one musical genre above all others would be way too hard (honestly, indie rock, rock, industrial, avant garde, punk, classical, old rock, eighties pop, grunge, metal, trance/various electronica genres, swing, jazz..the list goes on and on). So as a genre, I pick music.
Favorite bands/artists: The mars volta, pearl jam, Skinny puppy, Ninja Highschool, black eyed peas, melt banana, msi, coldplay, the foo fighters, anti-flag, bushX, sonic youth, Feist, Chris Fortier, RHCP, Crossfade, Cabaret Voltaire, Simon and Garfunkle, IMperial Teen, Kraftwerk, Radiohead, Rammstein, Rasputina, Silverchair, NIN, Slipknot, the cure, the black crowes, the beatles, Combie Christ, Stabbing westward, fuck the facts, various artists that are on thsi awesome cd that I got in Guatemala, though i have no artist list, and I would go on and could go on, but I would keep going forever
Three to five favorite songs (Name artists):Placebo-where is my mind, Feist- let it die, Silverchair-Israel's son, STP-plush, Melt Banana- It's in the pillcase
Who’s your favorite musician and why?: Dave Grohl. If I had to choose one singer to listen to for the rest of my life and no others, it would be him. His multitalentedness. His obscure lyrics. His passion. Even in interviews with him, you can feel passion radiate. He just never quits. How he plays his instruments and the way he uses his voice. When you hear him sing and some of those riffs, serious shivers. He never stops amazing me with his musical abilities and his passion and everything else.
Musical genre and bands you hate and why?: There is not a specific genre I hate as there are songs in every genre I am aware exists that I enjoy. However, rap and or pop are the ones that encompass the majority of music that I do not enjoy. On the surface level, most (not all) do not sing or play music with the type of passion that gets me going. I find it very difficult to get into some music. Oh, I suppose country music fits into this as well because I don't particularily agree with a lot of things that are sung about/ how the songs fit together. I suppose just different views on thigns may also be included here; a lot of riches and and negative attitudes are portrayed. I understand that is sung about in a lot of other genres of music too, but this music, particularily rap, makes me feel uncomfortable and I don't feel I can relate to much of the music. That's not always essential, but it can be important. I find a lot of the way the sing boring, to be quite honest. And as for rythms and stuff, I suppose they do have their bonuses. One artist that I really don't like for some reason is Snoop Dog. Perhaps it's the crack (harhar) or maybe it's his voice, or what he chooses to sing about. it could also be the whole image thing. It's music that doesn't make me feel good, for the most part, or let anything out. Period.
Why is music important to your life? (Be specific, this question is important.): Music, is everything. It has helped me learn a lot of things and it has been there like no friend ever could be. It's there when you want away from people and jsut need to figure things out. It's like a fantasy and a dream and you're allowed to be free within it. It is like a whole other world within society and I just..I can't get enough. I am addicted. Life is a highway by Tom Cochrane was my first favourite song. Any memory I have, music was somehow attached to it. Music is how I have fallen in love. it has been my life support. It is like a whole other entity, like the sky and ecompassing everything. It aids in fun times and gets me through tough times. After losing people that were very important, music like trust company (for some reason, I'm not sure why thsi particular badn sticks out in my mind), and taproot have saved me. You can't rely on a higher power as there are too many uncertainties, but music is always there. It's a guiding light, it's sacred and it is omnipresent.
What is your opinion on...
Abortion:People try to pressure me into believing that it is wrong, and to be honest I am a little torn about it. I mean, personally, if I were to ever get pregnant, I don't think I would be able to have an abortion, however for other people who feel that is what they want, then I don't have a problem with it. It's only a problem if otehr people try to pressure them into having an abortion or not having one. It is definitely up to the person who is pregnant. I definitely think all women should have the right to choose. I mean, sure the baby won't have a chance at all of the beauty of life, however if the child isn't even wanted by their own mother or if the mother doesn't feel the child would be safe or wahtever reason they want an abortion, then they should do it.
Stem Cell Research:I don't know very much about this, however, I am again a little torn on the issue. ON the one hand, there are all of these extra cells that we don't need and if doing this research cna alleviate suffering for people alive, then I'm all for it. ON the other hand, every cell has the potential for life. You know, i think I agree with stem cell research for the reason stated above. I jsut don't agree with cloning, which I know is different, but has roots around the same.
Gay Marriage:Heck yes!!!!!!1 And I must brag that I am VERY proud to be a part of Ontario as Bill C-38 passed recently!! Every person should have the right to excercise their right to love! I mean, honestly, straight marriage isn't necessairily a beautiful thing ; you have problems no matter what. I think the excuses for going against gay marriage tend to be made (from my experience living in a very small, close minded town and having a few gay friends) ignorantly and out of fear, mostly. I mean, as long as people love each other, they should be allowed to express it in whatever way possible! If marriage is the way people are choosing to express it, then power to them! For example, I tried telling my parents that I was incredibly in support of the gay marriage bill, and they tried to tell me "no you're not". Well, if commonlaw living is wrong in their opinion, and so is gay marriage, and so is being alone and not procreating their entire life, then what are people to do ?I mean honestly, love has so much potential!
Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illegal, and such):I personally dislike tobacco as I am tired of it's stench living in a home of parents who chain smoke. I think that ciggarettes should be illegal as the butts are non-biodegradable. I think marijuana should be legalized and not because I am a total stoner (because I am not) because a) not to be cliche, but it is mroe natural than alcohol and cigarrettes, b)if it was legalized, events such as the mounty killing in alberta could be prevented as there wouldn't be tensions surrounding drugs, and c) a lot of places it is one of the only ways to bring revenue into the country so that people don't starve to death and the CIA is always meddlign in those countries and not doing too much to actualyl FIX the real issues. Pot is a very personal drug for me. Everything is much mroe intense. Alcohol, do as you please, just leave the keys. Also, I am very into the whole different levels of the subconcious, though I have yet to explore them. So long as people research and know what they are getting into when they do other drugs(i.e. aware of teh reasons they are doing them, making sure theya re the right reasons for them) then I say use your own caution. I don't think that any other drug should be legalized except for the aformentioned jsut because for the most part, humans don't have too much self control.
Government in General: Hmm. This is a tough question. As a partial socialist, i do think that the collective good should be worked for and therefore governemtn interference should be used, not abused, to give everyone an equal and fair chance to the same services. All governments are corrupt and i am definitely interested in how they work. Less military power should be given to governments and i think more governments should look for the common good, not the popularity of the people running etc. Governments can be a good thing when used in the right way. As most governments go these days, anarchy sounds positive, but it would be better if there were no weapons and human character was slightly altered.
Religion:Once again a very personal quesiotn, but I';m not complaining. Religion, is a very funny thing that must be explored to it's fullest for each individual before taking religious steps. I was raised as a christian, however I am changing my beliefs. Right now I am into budhist logic and a bit of taoism, though i have a domination and doctorine undecided. I think religion fucks people up. It really does, I mean people get so wound up about these things they believe that no one can be sure will even have any relevence in the future. it's way too touchy, you know? I mean, it feels good to feel needed by a higher power and it feels good to have a purpose, but people get too out of control for their own good with the religion stuff. I think it's neat how empassioned it can make people and also how together it can make people feel, but all in all, I think it divides more than it brings together.
Waffles: I loves me some waffles.
Other Info
Favorite Food:Pasta, cucumbers, tomatoes and nearly anything that hasn't been touched by meat.
Favorite Book:Fight Club,Farenheit 451, Skinny legs and all by tom robbins...etcetc (I know, it says one..but I am connected to too many!
Favorite Movies:Donnie Darko, united states of leland, Pulp fiction, All of the jay and silent bob movies, Benny and Joon, edward scissorhands, the Breakfast club, and a lot of small indy films, or sketchy ones based around conversations people are having and their interconnectedness..Oh! The Nature of Nicholas, creepy but VERy well done.
Other Likes:Nature, fairies, the dijerdoo, learning, my kitty!, books, smells, being alone, fire, love, conversations, the funny way my fan clicks, getting the mail, windowsills and silence. Walking in barefeet and eating icecream . Oh and wandering around playing with umbrellas. randomness! Energy drinks and animals!And graffiti! And art! I can't believe I forgot to put art!
Dislikes: hate including racism, ignorance, Tim Hortons, economic globalization, people who hit dogs, angry customers, visitations and society in general, clocks/time.
Something funny or interesting about yourself (Interesting facts and or stories will do nicely):One morning, about three months ago, I woke up and my first thought was "i am a fairy". I have never been so happy. I have also had my mitten eaten by a cow. I was petting it's tongue when I was little and it was winter, so I was wearing mittens and I remember getting really upset because I thought I was going to kill a cow. I also enjoy asking random people to dance because dancing makes life exciting.
Rant about something. Anything you think would be worth our while:People make such huge deals out of little stupid things! For example, I work at subway and the other day thsi prick comes in and tries to order salami on a deli sandwhich. We don't sell those, and he went on to rant about how stupid I was because all i had to do was put the meat on the bun! Yes, sir, but I am not allowed to do that! And he yelled at me, for a good 5 minutes and I had to waste food because his wife ordered a toasted sub which I had already started to make and he grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the store. Why do people do these crazy things? I'll ahve you know that food making is considered sacred in some places! Do they not realize that people, especially with a "in training" name tag ahve to follow rules they don't like ?i would ahve obliged him, but i need my job! I am sorry for not having some high class job that requires "though" .Okay, people do not understand how difficult it is to work in fast food! Sure it is very repetitive, however it is physically exhausting especially when it's really busy and you work for 8 hours with no break for minimum wage! Okay, we are people too so you cna shove your condescding, you are a piece of shit attitude! Honestly, that guy made me nearly cry because i was so shocked and afraid and My, i feel for his wife! And seriously, there should be customer rules. Okay, I don't understand it if you say certain things that are new to me in reference to certain items and expect me to understand! Also, read the sign, the end of the line is not at the cash register! And if you are going to order things after you have been rung through and it's busy, don't get amd at me for not making your order first! Also, I wish for you to have a good day, you don't have to say the same but at least acknowledge the fact that someone said something semi-nice to you! Also, we are not computers. Do not say your order of 4 footlong subs at machspeed and expect us to not doublecheck your order! but we do have GREAT appreciation for those who are patient, and nice and actually treat us like people on the same level!
And there I go on a topic that isn't evenr eally all that relevant in the scheme of things, but is quite relevent in the day to day in a consumerist/capitalist society like ours.
Old picture, first homemade haircut