Name: Panda J. Crowe
Age: 19
Birthday: November 10, 1986. Scorpio.
Location: Indiana.
Sexuality: Mostly straight, but I have my moments.
Favorite musical genre (If rock, please specify.): Probably ambient music or martial music, but I listen to just about everything.
Favorite bands/artists:Derniere Volonte, Von Thronstahl, Der Blutharsch, The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud, Death in June, Sol Invictus, Boyd Rice/NON, Current 93, Gae Bolg, Spiritual Front, Folkstorm, Blood Axis, Absolum, 16 Bit Lolitas, Son Kite, Hallucinogen, Xenomorph, Parasense, Hank Williams Senior, Tom T. Hall, The Statler Brothers, Richie Hawtin/Plastikman, Jeff Mills, Miles Davis, Cannonball Adderly, Sun Ra, Merzbow, Dead Voices on Air, Brian Eno, Biosphere, Lustmord, Robert Rich, Aloof Proof, Wagner, Debussy, Mahler... I dunno. Other stuff. Go to my
Three to five favorite songs (Name artists): Derniere Volonte - Les Orages du Crime, Brath - As Azas do Mar, Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Midnight Black Earth, Biosphere - Kobresia, Laurie Anderson - O Superman.
Who’s your favorite musician and why?: Probably Boyd Rice. I respect his opinions and sense of prankster humor, and he makes really good music to boot. He's a riot.
Musical genre and bands you hate and why?:Most punk, honestly. I can't stand it. The whole idea about "hey guys, we can pick up a guitar untrained and be a musician just like everyone else" is rediculous and demeaning to the whole idea of music. The Dead Kennedies are the definition of talentless. I do like horrorpunk, though, it finds a way to redeem itself. What else? Hmm. Most of that modern fake-goth (MCR, Jack off Jill, all that), untalented metal (Slipknot, Lamb of God), fake-industrial (Wumpscut, Icon of Coil) all really pisses me off. ew.
Why is music important to your life? (Be specific, this question is important.):Well... I can't sleep without it, for one. In addition to that, it empowers me, it motivates me, and makes me feel like I'm not alone in my beliefs. It's also what I spend most of my time working on (am a musician) and dealing with.
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: I'm pro-abortion. There are too many people on this planet, and with people having 7 and 8 children, I can't see that changing any time soon.
Stem Cell Research:I don't have a problem with it, really, but I think we need to be careful with genetic experimentation. Go to wikipedia and read about "singularity."
Gay Marriage: I understand why the institution of marriage is important, but I don't see gays threatening it at all. I could care less.
Drugs (alcohol, tobacco, illegal, and such):Alcohol is okay in moderation, but getting drunk is doing a disservice to your self and to your future. I'm an ex smoker, and I gotta admit, in retrospect, it was a bad idea. "Actual" drugs are for weak people, I think. At least, using them a lot is. I dont mind trying stuff, but to indulge in it is weakness.
Government in General:Our government should be a meritocracy. The people in charge should be there because they are better people, not because they are elected. Democracy is one of the worst ideas the west has come up with in the last few hundred years. We need capable and powerful leaders who *deserve* to lead, not meek people who were chosen to lead.
Religion: I understand its purpose, and I have no major problem with it. Most modern religion isn't for me, but I have nothing against it, really. I think that Christianity and other religions of its nature make people weak, but I feel that some people need that sort of weakness.
Waffles: I loves me some waffles.
Other Info
Favorite Food:I like just about anything european and really favor pasta. I also tend to favor sushi and sashimi.
Favorite Book:I dunno. For non-fiction, maybe Revolt Against the Modern World by Julius Evola, or something by Guenon or Spengler. For fiction, anything Lovecraftian. I'm a fan of horror fiction in general.
Favorite Movies:Stalker, a russian surrealist film by Tarkovsky, and Session 9, an american-made psych-horror film.
Other Likes:The human will, honor, roleplaying games, foreign languages, history, military outfits, people who know what love is and dont go around going through a new boyfriend/girlfriend each week, good food, the paranormal, playing chess.
Dislikes:People who don't have opinions at all, people who think "History is retarded" (those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it), people who feel that every single human being has an entire page of "rights" they are somehow entitled to, slutty outfits, people who call themselves "liberal" and go along with that party line, people who call themselvse "conservative" and go along with that party line, party poltics in general. Hell, politics in general. Politicians ruin governments.
Something funny or interesting about yourself (Interesting facts and or stories will do nicely):I'm synaesthetic - I "see" color in music. Which is weird. Leeseeeee... what else. I'm mostly an MTF. I feel that I would be more comfortable in a female body, I guess. But I'd probably be a lesbian then, honestly. I feel like a girl inside, but i'm still attracted to girls.
Rant about something. Anything you think would be worth our while:I think that more people should play older video games instead of giving into the newer stuff. The new stuff sacrifices gameplay for better graphics. When I started playing, all we had was 16 bit graphics, and that was if we were lucky. And games were SO much better then. Most of it went downhill around 2000. So yeah, people, get back out your genesis and your SNES, and play better shit. The games of today, are for the most part, worthless. That said... Blizzard, please make Starcraft 2. And don't make it suck.
Pictures: The only one I still think is online is at my profile, linked above. :\