NCIS, Gibbs/Tim, PG-13, Inconsistencies

Apr 22, 2010 17:54

Title: Inconsistencies
Rating: PG-13 for slash
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Tim/Gibbs (I’m struggling to write any other at the mo)
Summary: Tim finds some inconsistencies within Gibbs’ rules
Word Count: 350
Disclaimer: These characters belong to DPB, CBS, Paramount, et al. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Notes: written for the ncisdrabble100  challenge #184 Gibbs’ rules, and x-posted to ncis_puppylove  and my livejournal


Gibbs pads out of the bedroom, wearing boxers and one of Tim’s old t-shirt. Tim is sat at his typewriter, typing.

“Hey.” Gibbs greets him. It’s takes a few seconds but Tim finally hears him.

“Oh, hey. I couldn’t sleep. Hope I didn’t wake you.” Tim’s too focussed on what he’s doing to even look up at Gibbs. Gibbs blinks, trying to come up with a way to say how much he hated waking up to an empty bed, and that he woke up because he missed Tim’s presence.

“What are you working on?” Gibbs asks, leaning close as if to read whatever Tim is writing. Tim knows it’s just a ruse to get close, Gibbs is far-sighted.

“I’ve been typing up a list of your rules.” Tim tells him. “I’m starting to wish I’d done this on the computer, there’s a tonne of inconsistencies.”

“You remember all my rules?” Gibbs asks, surprised.

“Of course I do.” Tim scoffs, as if it’s the most natural thing.

“I don’t even remember all my rules.” Gibbs confesses.

“That’s why you should write them down.” Tim comments, typing: McGee’s Rules. Number 1. Always write down your rules to keep them consistent. Gibbs smiles.

“It’s isn’t like that.” Gibbs explains .“Circumstances change, the rules have to change with them: Jump priority, adapt to the situation.”

“There are a few that stay the same.” Tim notes. “Like rule nine. I know your knife is in my bedroom drawer.”

“Well, you were adamant about not keeping a spare gun there.” Gibbs shrugs. Tim rolls his eyes. “Tim, these are just guidelines. I make the rules and I can change them as I wish, that’s rule number one.”

“There are already two rule number ones.” Tim smirks, waiting for Gibbs to get exasperated. Gibbs is about to when he sees the look on Tim’s face, and kisses him instead.

“New rule number 1: Do as Gibbs says.” Gibbs dictates.

“And what does Gibbs say?” Tim asks with a smile, looking up at Gibbs.

“Come back to bed, Timmy.” Gibbs begs.

“Well, if it’s Gibbs’ number one rule, I guess I have to.” Tim replies.


pairing: l.j gibbs/timothy mcgee, fanfiction, fandom: ncis, rating: pg-13

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