aaagh, Got in bare shit with some littel kid down Suna or some thing yeah. Im well brused an that. man. Got nice arcitextur them ends considring this citty an that actarly. Evrythings sorta to flat most places here you dont get any nice old biuldings worth destryong.
that kid aint normal yeah he had all this sand shit goin on an he kept beggin bout some 'it' or somthing. Thout he was just mad but I almos coulnt take him down an arfter I kickt him bout a bit he had al this ... well it wasnt normal yeah an Im not jus saying that cos I had to retrite. Sed his name was Sabaku no Gara or somthing yeah. he had some kanji on his fored an I coudnt read it but I got a coupl photos.
(Attached are two images: one shows Gaara after the fight, just straightening up, with blood on his face and sand hovering around his feet; the other is lopsided and somewhat blurred, and mostly taken up by what can just be made out as the arm of Shukaku.)