well, this spring break was interesting, but now it's over. i wish it wasn't, but everything must end at some point. Therefore, i will leave you all with ( the following image... )
Last night i learned that boys, it is OK to masturbate with chickens because they feel like vaginas. You won't get any diseases from them. Just remember to not put the chicken back in the refridgerator when you're done!
if that certain person is there on the 3rd of april...i will have a miserable time at even half of my own party to the point at which i'll probably leave.
i saw a man with a shirt that said smile if you're a wanker. i told him it was amazing and that it made my day. he was very grateful. he got it in australia though. i'll just have to duplicate
spring cleaning day. i have ocd'd my room. i kind of like it. people from UF called me to do a survey about teens. they asked me if in the last 12 months i have sniffed glue and if any of my friends or family have:) tonight is hopefully atlantic ave. i like it there.