Name: Jenny
Age: 13
L0cation: Ge0rgia
Sex: Female
Z0diac Sign: Libra
** Fav0rites ((please list m0re than 0ne..after all we need a l00k int0 ur pers0nality)) **
F00d: Chicken P0t Pie, Pizza, and alm0st any fruits
Drink: C0ke, Dr. Pepper, and 0range Juice
M0vie: Mean Girls, Parent Trap (b0th versi0ns)
Band: Yell0wcard, Lillex
Act0r: Eddie Murphey, Chris Tucker, pretty much any act0r that's funny
Actress: Hilary Duff, Lindsay L0han, 0lsen Twins, Britney Spears, and Ashlee Simps0n
T.V. Sh0ws: Charmed, The 0.C., and 0ne Tree Hill
Resturant: Ryans, and n0thing else really...
St0re: Wal-Mart, the mall
Place t0 v0cati0n: Fl0rida 0r Hawaii
B00k: Surving the Applewhites, any Alice b00ks
Any 0f y0ur 0ther Fav0rites: Umm.. my fav0rite magazines are: YM, Teen Pe0ple, J-14, and M
** 0pini0ns **
Kerry 0r Bush and Why: Bush.. I d0n't kn0w, I just d0n't like Kerry
Nic0le Richie: I think Nic0le is a pretty girl, and I l0ved her 0n the SL and SL2
Ashlee Simps0n: I think Ashlee is such a pretty girl, and a g00d singer, a g00d actress, but I hate that she dyed her hair c0l0r
Gay Marriage: I think it's 0kay.. I mean if y0u really l0ved them, then y0u sh0uld be with them
Ab0rti0n: I think it's stupid.. I mean why w0uld y0u want t0 kidnap a sweet little girl/b0y
Interacial Relati0nships: I'm s0rry.. I d0n't kn0w what this means.. if it's like tw0 pe0ple 0f different race.. then I think it's just the same issue as Gay Marriage
Eminem: Ewww.. I d0n't like him.. and I d0n't like his music either
** Rand0m Questi0ns **
Why Sh0uld Y0u Be Apart 0f This C0mmunity? Because I have a beautiful pers0nality, and I'm nice
Will Y0u Be Active and Pr0m0te? Yes.. I will try t0 be active.. and I'll pr0m0te every n0w and then
s0rry.. n0 Web can, 0r scanner