I am beautiful.

Jul 12, 2005 10:26


1. Name: Karen.
2. Age: Sixteen.
3. Location: Upstate, NY.
4. Sex: Female.
5. Status: Single. I don't mind it at all. Guys from where I'm from kind of suck.
6. Grade/Occupation: I'm going to be a junoir/Babysitter.


1. Foods: Pasta Linda. It's Penne in a red sauce with chicken, some herbs and mozzerella.
2. 5 Bands/Artist: Eve 6, Graham Colton Band, The All-American Rejects, Kelly Clarkson and Jason Mraz.
3. 5 Movies: Legally Blonde, Shaun of the Dead, I Am Sam, The Pianist and Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.
4. Actor: Sean Penn, Simon Pegg, Charles Shaugnessy and Adrien Brody.
5. Actress: Reese Witherspoon and Fran Drescher.
6. Type of Music: I'm a big fran of soul, rock, pop and jazz. I also enjoy classical music. That's about it. I don't like rap or country. Oh, and I'm not much of a ska fan. My motto: Yes Billy Joel, No thanks Billie Joe. (or Billy Jo, whatever).


1. Abortion: I am 100% pro-choice. I feel that it is absolutely the woman's right whether or not she disposes of the embryo or fetus. I could come up with so many situations, but I'd rather not bore you.
2. Same Sex-Marriage: I could say "Love is Love" but I feel what is the government to say whether or not you could get a simple slip of paper?
3. Death penalty: I feel that in cases where there is no doubt and the crime is absolutely absurd (i.e; Child Molestation, Rape, Murder.) then I feel that it is okay to use the death penalty. Otherwise, in cases where there is a shadow of a doubt, I feel that prison is a better choice.
4. Cliques: They're ridiculous. I am friends with basically everyone. I don't discriminate against anyone because what's the point? Everyone is worth dignity, and what cliques are saying is that if you're not "cool" enough, you have no dignity. At least, that's how I interpret it.
5. The War In Iraq: Stupid. Maybe that's because I hate our current president here in the U.S., but some wars were necssary evils, but this one is not. We never found weapons of mass destruction, so why keep our troops there?
6. Hatred: Like I said before, everyone has dignity and I hate how people use hatred towards people. Everyone has feelings and I feel it is just wrong to do that.


1. Pepsi or Coke: Neither. I usually drink water or Iced Tea.
2. Ice cream or Yogurt: Frozen Yogurt. I can't eat ice cream due to a stomach problem, so I'd choose yogurt.
3. Ketchup or Barbeque Sauce: Ketchup. But if I could really choose, it would be mustard.
4. Chad Michael Murray or Paul Walker: Neither. I'm more of a Gregory Smith or Chris Pratt kind of girl. Mmm.
5. Paris Hilton or Nicole Richie: Nicole Richie. She seems more realistic. And she's funnier in my opinion.
6. Love or Hatred: Love.
7. Being Taken or Being Single: Single. You can mingle more. Besides, I'm so young, I'd hate to be tied down.


1. Why should you be accepted?: I'm funny, witty and I am unique but yet relatable.
2. Is there anything else we should know about you?: I love reading and running. They are my favourite hobbies. Especially reading.
3. Will you be active through out the community?: Of course!
4. Make us Laugh: Here is a funny scene from my favourite show, The Nanny:
C.C.- I've never hurt you once.
Fran- You pushed me in front of a bus!
C.C.- That was only once, and I apologized!
5. How did you find us? If someone promoted to you put their user name.: lttlmisprfct
6. Promote to 2 communities or friend and post the links here.
1. www.livejournal.com/users/energizerbunnie
2. www.livejournal.com/users/bagole

Now post your pictures. At least 2 where we can see your face:
Well I really have pictures, but I'm not a computer whiz. But, I've had my friend upload them for my on my myspace. So if you want to look there, I'm percectimperfection. Yes well, I mispelled 'perfect'. Whoopsies.
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