January 31 2005, 20:18:53 UTC
However, one thing that can be definetly said of the scarlet letter "A" is that its meaning is very ambiguous. Hawthorne never clearly states its exact meaning leaving this understanding up to the reader. There are so many possible meanings that it is difficult if not impossible to pick a specific one as the ultimate meaning. "In the course of the novel the "A" seems to encompass the entire range of human beingness from the earthly and passionate adulteress to the pure and spiritual angel taking into account everything in between," was stated by Johnson. Some other interpretations of the letter brought forth from critics of the novel are atonement, alienation, affair, admirable, Arthur, ambition, etc. (Cliffs Notes) Roy R. Male says, "Around the letter have gathered not only the explicit associations of Adulteress, Able, Affection, and Angel but also the myriad subtle suggestions of art, atonement, ascension, and the Acts of the Apostles. All of these can be seen as applicable. The letter "A" has also been compared to the
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