
Jun 06, 2005 14:04

And so it begins.

Ladies and gents, with the permanent accounts going on sale tomorrow, I'm now officially consolidating this journal and jacksonave into one.

Please friend raineesue right about now if you plan on keeping up with me!

I'll be consolidating both journals' friends lists into one. If you want to make specifically sure you're kept on/added to raineesue's ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

fuskeez June 6 2005, 19:24:33 UTC
Okay I keep trying to add that username and it won't let me! Bah. It says I deleted you, but I *so* didn't. lol I'll try and do it through the website instead of Semagic, hopefully that'll work. Oh and so I should defriend "beaux" for sure then?


fuskeez June 6 2005, 19:26:03 UTC
Erm, nevermind? Now it said I added you and all that. lol Yay!


crownzeal June 6 2005, 22:24:27 UTC
ooo, perm account! i wonder if i could order it, then send a check next week. *is broke but desperately wants*


dixie_chicken June 7 2005, 02:56:53 UTC
I know! I've only got $76 to my name, but I'm putting it on Mom's Visa and paying her back over the next couple of weeks.


starfyer June 7 2005, 05:23:31 UTC
friend me, dammit.


nasty anonymous April 19 2006, 15:25:02 UTC
urr so perverted


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