
Dec 12, 2003 23:02

tonight, i cried so hard for myself.i miss kisses that mean something.i'm sick of locking lips when all it's going to mean is 'ha, ha, we're never going to see each other again'.i've never been so protective of my lips before.but i guess ten months of blatant rejection makes you try to hide whatever you think you have left.

but on the upside, < ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

xmodz December 12 2003, 20:37:26 UTC
sometimes you have to look where you least expect to find what you want. i cant wait to get together with you so i can show you that good things can happen.


from yo' numba one stunna. x_y_u December 12 2003, 20:52:44 UTC
dear jenna. i wish i could say or do something that would even hint at making things for you the least bit better. i wanna say i know how you feel, but that might just be redundant or half true. so i dunno. and i know you're always listening to me cry/bitch/whatever about stuff that is/has been going on with me... and i really appreciate it because of the total of two or three people i talk to about things with, you're pretty much the only person who actually thoroughly listens and gives feedback. but i just want you to know that i'm always around if you wanna talk and be listened to. even if all it's just the blind leading the blind. iloveyousodon'tforgetthat. <3


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