Friday Night

Sep 06, 2004 00:08

Girls' Night In....gone horribly wrong!

Friday night was definately a night for the ladies. No boys allowed. Not this time. We play with them too much, and we wanted a break. A girls' night in, was definately in order!

Fab-4 minus monkey

So we watched B and X's fav. chick flick..."Win a Date with Tad Hamilton"

(so it's not really my fav, cuz she ends up hooking up with her best friend instead of her 'hero' Tad Hamilton..oh well.)

My oh there's the 4th member of the Fab-4

Silly girlies... you may not understand...BUT...these are the "oh gosh, look at his lips after he kissed Rosalie" faces

And these faces right here are the "Oh yea...i've never seen a man look so good while choppin' wood"

Still boy-free at this point...dun dun dun

The doorbell rings right in the middle of our movie...We go outside. All 4 of our cars are tp-ed. (This happens ALL the time) So we're mad cuz they are messing with us....I run outside, see josh running across the street...but i tackled him to the ground..and we held him hostage until the other boys came out. So...

This is what happens...

When you interrupt girl night...

You die!

Yep. That's about 5 bodies on top of Josh... all turned out to be good fun, and there were no hard feelings, but then the cops came and yelled at us. So we got in Stupid suburbian cops have nothing better to do...

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