1. You could quite possibly be the most self-centered bitchy person i've ever met, but for some unknown reason, i constantly forgive you. I suppose it's my own weakness: not wanting to alienate anyone.
2. I don't know what happened with us, but i miss you and i miss our talks and our fun. Maybe when i come home we can do some more of that stuff.
3. I don't know where we are. I don't even know you anymore because you won't talk to me anymore. I ask about you and i get short responses. I seriously just don't know you anymore.
4. You have so much potential and you don't even know it. You could do such awesome things with your life. Don't throw it away (not that you are). Keep working hard (but not too hard) and call me when you're a billionare.
5. I'm worried about you. But i miss you too. We need to get together when I get home.
6. Though we butt heads I truly value your opinion of me and am so glad to have you in my life. I've never said this to you, but i think of you as a brother to me.
7. For a long time i had a massive crush on you. now, i'm just so glad that we're the friends we are.
8. Take care of yourself. Don't grow up too fast.
9. Don't give up. Keep your passion and your dedication, it will payoff, but only if you stick with it.
10. I never knew exactly where we stood. I always sort of felt like i was more of a friend to you than you were to me.