First I've updated my Favorite Video Game Guys list
here to include Auron from Final Fantasy 10. I still haven't finished the game, but I definitely love him. Course it did occur to me that there are no video game guys on my lists over
here, and I'm not sure why. It isn't as if they're ugly or without character, just for some reason I'm not nearly as connected to them as I am to any of those characters. If I figure out why I'm sure I'll mention it. ;)
Second, with my excitement about getting 8 Man After on DVD, and
hurrigirl's admitting her anime is fairly limited, I've decided to do my Top Ten Anime. List, of course, subject to change at any time.
Top Ten Favorite Anime
[Update 3/21/21]
1. InuYasha
2. Sailor Moon
3. Fushigi Yugi
4. Akagami no Shirayuki-hime
5. Arslan Senki
6. Spirited Away
7. Yami no Matsuei
8. Matantei Loki Ragnarok
9. Fruits Basket
10. Free!