I mostly enjoyed it. Not as much as the first movie, but I think I'm going to go back tomorrow. For anyone wondering, Joss did not add a cute end-credits scene at the last minute. There is a mid-credits scene, but it's brief and plot-related. By which I mean, plot of future movies, not this one.
Let's start with the stuff I didn't really enjoy and get it out of the way. First, I didn't enjoy Bruce/Natasha. Not because of any particular shipping preferences on my part, but because it was the way it was handled felt so weird and clumsy to me. Especially the scene where it sounds like she's calling herself a monster because she's infertile. I don't think that's what was intended, but that's the way it came off to me and a number of others. It made me cringe and want my fast-forward button, or at least my mute button. I did like some of the Bruce/Natasha stuff, but more when they were being friendly and bantery and less when they were being flirty and romantic. Oh, and I also quite liked Natasha and the Hulk together. But when they were actually trying for romance? Meh.
The other thing I didn't really enjoy was Ultron himself. Specifically, the James Spader-yness of him. This is partly my fault, because I watched one and two-thirds a season of Blacklist before giving up, and now all I can think when I hear Ultron talk is Raymond Reddington. It doesn't really work for me. Plus, I... don't get what's going on with him. Why exactly did he turn out like that again? And why does he want to kill everyone? If he was supposed to make sense, he didn't.
Also, weirdly, the action scene I feel like I should have liked most, the first one in the beginning where they're attacking the Hydra stronghold as a coordinated team? Felt the fakest, I'm not sure why. It just felt more obvious to me that they were using massive amounts of special effects in that scene.
Of course, now I'm having trouble remembering what I did like. I liked the team, being teameriffic together, which we didn't get nearly enough of for my taste. I liked the party at the beginning, especially the trying to lift the hammer scene. I liked that we got to know Clint better, and that he's got a whole secret life and family. I liked his wife, she's cool. I liked that they at least mentioned the Winter Soldier, and that Sam and Rhodey at least got to be in the move, if not nearly for as long as I would've liked. I liked the twins, shockingly, especially Wanda, and I'm annoyed Pietro got killed off. (And still annoyed that they're artificially enhanced and not Magneto's kids, but whatever.) I liked Fury and Maria flying a helicarrier in to save the day. I liked Vision, though I hope this doesn't mean Jarvis is completely gone. (And I'm annoyed that Jarvis is apparently not considered an AI???? Or at least that's the impression I got considering they were referring to Ultron as one as if it were some shocking thing instead of something Tony already did.)
I think Joss did a better job with Steve in this one than the last one, but that's not really saying much. I am glad the Russo brothers are handling the next Avengers movies and that Joss seems to be bowing out of Marvel.
So, yeah. I did enjoy it, but as you can see I'm also ambivalent about it.
ETA: So here's the thing. I enjoyed most of it as I was watching it. But as I'm sitting here thinking about it, the less I like. Sigh.
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