Oct 23, 2012 20:33

I am back from Wincon! It was incredible! Fangirls are amazing! I spent a lot of time talking about porn and fandom culture, and I squeed about Teen Wolf in spite of myself, and I learned to identify the members of One Direction (and why people tinhat Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw)! My Incest panel with wutendeskind and sophie_448 was a lot of fun, and I want to do it ( Read more... )

fandom, public, wincon

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Comments 11

mediaville October 24 2012, 00:56:40 UTC


gestaltrose October 24 2012, 01:02:43 UTC
Wincon!Amazing. :) Sleeeeeeeep.

I have no panels to propose *yet* but I might help out if needed.

Las Vegas, baby!


unavoidedcrisis October 24 2012, 01:34:28 UTC
Following you on Twitter and Tumblr and LJ. probably not on the street though. ;)


lavishsqualor October 24 2012, 02:37:30 UTC
BECKAAAAA. I honestly miss you with my whole heart. Already. I feel we had nowhere near long enough together. NOWHERE NEAR.

My first Wincon experience and most definitely not my last and I so wholeheartedly agree about incredible! amazing! talk about porn and fandom and boobies! and incest panels! (no, though, I swear to god, it was my fave okay. because #incestisbest and this is a ~thing that you need to learn for the twitter, the ultimate place for fannish communication.) (oh and hello, I am now following you everywhere, but I will warn, not real active on that tumblr picture thing, just, prettyyyy.)


tsuki_no_bara October 24 2012, 06:28:50 UTC
i have a panel idea! and am also now following you on twitter and tumblr! these two things are not related! also, you're adorable. :D


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