Yesterday was my breast reduction surgery and I feel ten times better today.
So yesterday I woke up at 4:30 because I had to be there at 5:30. I had to take off all my jewelry, including earrings, because apparently the metal can burn your skin during surgery. Who knew? I sure didn't.
When I got there, I was super nervous - especially when they started prepping me. It happened really fast! They kept telling me to calm down because my heart monitor was beeping really fast. Like I said, I was pretty freaking nervous and I told them that. So they put something in my IV to calm me down and after a few seconds I felt myself relax. "I'm about to get surgery," I thought. "Eh, who cares? Whatever!" The next thing I knew I was waking up. When I woke up I was in a pretty decent amount of pain and I kept begging for something to make it stop so they put something else in my IV, which helped a lot. After that they wheeled me into recovery where I slept for a little bit. I went home at around 11:30.
My aunt, Leslie, stayed at my house all day because she's a surgical nurse and wanted to put me on a medication schedule and keep watch. She was super-helpful! I came home and ate some rice pudding (nothing solid in case I puked) and took my medication. I'm on an antibiotic that I have to take three times a day for the next week, I have vicodin for pain management, an anti-nausea medication in case I feel like I have to puke (once again, which I haven't), and a sleeping pill in case I can't sleep at night. I've also got two herbal remedies called arnica and bromelain, both of which help with bruising and swelling. I'm taking vicodin around every three to four hours, even if I'm not hurting, because the body heals much better and faster when it's not in pain. Other than being tired, the vicodin isn't giving me any side effects.
I went back to the doctor this morning to have my bandages changed. I'm in a surgical bra (which is surprisingly REALLY nice and comfortable) and I have drainage tubes that have to be in until Wednesday. Ick. The nurse changed my bandages and said that I'm recovering remarkably well. I risked a glance and was relieved to find that the girls don't look nasty or awful in any sense at all. I'm going to be HOT once I'm healed. I was a DDD pre-op and I should be a C post-op, but that will take a few months to truly settle into a new shape.
Overall, I am so happy I did this and it was totally worth it. Some friends of mine sent me texts to wish me well, which was really nice, and my grandparents came over for dinner in the evening. Damian, by the way, has not texted or contacted me all to say he hopes I'm doing well. *sigh*