In which my horrible taste in movies is revealed!

Aug 01, 2011 14:52

Stolen from lizbizboz 'cause I'm super bored! Now, what movies have I seen...?

Not sims related... what is it doing here... )

movie meme

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Comments 8

lizbizboz August 1 2011, 10:00:31 UTC
:L You beat me. ;) and i live in a house with boys. Trust me- most nights we find ourselves watching crazy action films. So much, actually, that I find myself rather partial to them :P
Oh, and horror films *shudders*


lizbizboz August 1 2011, 10:27:17 UTC
waiiiiit a second- your icon that...from Firefly??


beckett_legacy August 1 2011, 10:33:22 UTC
You bet it's from Firefly! I'm a huge Whedon fan, and especially love Firefly/Serenity :D


lizbizboz August 1 2011, 19:15:58 UTC
Ahhhh, Firefly is soo good!!!! :) we have the box set and everytime i watch it it's just like, the best :P


sims_legacywish August 1 2011, 13:44:28 UTC
I think I wanna do this now :3


beckett_legacy August 2 2011, 04:44:54 UTC
Haha it takes you back to all those movies you've forgotten about. Good times, good times :D


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