So - picture the scene...
Our brave heroine, who is writing like it's going out of fashion to make her words for
mini_nanowrimo for the day. It also helps that these words will get her to the 'good bits' of her
xmenbigbang story. Denouments and all that jazz...
She goes to her friends page to find the relevant entry and sees the following...
Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart to star in X-Men: Days of Future Past alongside Michael Fassbender and James MacAvoy.
Our heroine's first thought? 'Naaaaahhhh,' then upon reading Bryan Singer's confirmatory tweets - ZOMGSQUEEEEEEEEEEE! FLAIL!
So yeah - there went me getting anymore writing done this evening! I have committed 493 words so far, which is a good number but I really wanted more but... this! be still my fangirl glee!
I was looking forward to this movie - although I've never read the original comics, when Matthew Vaughn left, I was nervous, perfectly understandable as we could have ended up with another Brett Ratner (pitoo!) but then Bryan Singer stepped in and I was much pleased. And no this.... eeeeee! Although - I will give £5 to Stonewall if Sir Ian makes a reference to
this movie in interviews because you know he will, although I can vouch that he's done something similar in the name of Art too and daymn Mystique is one lucky lady. So's her brother.
So... Is It Summer 2014 yet?! How About Now?!