Title: One Shot
Becky_HCharacter(s): Jack
Genre: Gen
Rating: G
Spoilers Parting of Ways and Stolen Earth (DW S4 E12)
Warnings: Nope
Word Count: 100, exactly
Beta: None
Set2music Prompt 49: Your best shot and for
Jadesfire2808 who asked for specific (spoilery) fic.
Summary: One shot might be enough.
He'd packed the gun away years ago.
He'd brought it from the Game Station because he wasn't willing to go anywhere unarmed, and because it had worked (if only once) against the Daleks.
It had stayed in storage, modified with the laser that had also worked (if only once) against the Daleks, unused and forgotten until Jack heard the Doctor's voice again.
He didn't know if the modifications would give him more than one shot, but one shot had saved the person who saved everything once before.
Maybe one shot wouldn't save anything this time.
Then again, maybe it would.