Adventfic #4: Love Me, Suffer Through My Gestalt

Dec 06, 2013 23:41

dunmurderin: Combaticons/Mummy crossover fic featuring Onslaught's adventure archaeologist, Dr. Susan Hoffman running into the O'Connells at a site in Egypt. And perhaps having to explain some very strange vehicle tracks?

It was a clear, dark night in the desert and so cold, Dr. Susan Hoffman wished she was back in London. Yes, Germany was bombing the city, but at least there, she didn't have to slip out in the middle of the night to berate giant war machines for being mischievous little motherfuckers who wouldn't know subtlety if it beat them over the head.

"I know you can be discreet," Dr. Hoffman said for the umpteenth time. She had a firm rein on her temper - anything less than absolute patience tended to make Onslaught's boys contrary. "It would be appreciated if you would."

"There were Germans," Vortex said faux-innocently. "They might have found your little dig."

They might have. They might also have been distracted by Dr. Jones - he'd promised to keep them off their backs while she and the O'Connells dug up this peculiar Egyptian complex. Not that Onslaught had appreciated her going 'virtually alone' into a war zone, whether or not Dr. Jones was off distracting the Nazis. So he'd sent his boys along to keep an eye on her while he did whatever it was Megatron had decided needed doing.

Times like this made her wonder if she should break up with her evil giant robot boyfriend.

"Sooo, find anything interesting?" Swindle asked, sidling in front of Vortex. "This is supposed to be a major Egyptian burial site, isn't it? One untouched by looters?"

Dr. Hoffman gave him a flat look. "No, yes, yes. If you want anything to sell, you'll give me less awkward vehicle tracks to have to come up with an explanation for."


Mr. O'Connell was cleaning his gun when she strode back into camp. "Strange friends you've got."

"Doesn't everyone?"

I'm writing a lot of The Mummy this December.

Don't forget to leave your requests for tomorrow's fic in the comments for today's, people! Original post with fandoms and rules is here. Because I'm not getting #5 and #6 out until tomorrow.

writing meme: advent calendar, movies, writing, character: combaticons, series: g1 transformers

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