(no subject)

Dec 29, 2004 18:14

General Facts
1) Name on birth certificate?: Rebecca Sue Fox
2) Birthday?:12/5/1973

3) Height?: 5'1"
4) Eye color?: green
5) Hair color?: brown
6) Hometown?: Loveland, Ohio
7) Birthplace?: Cincinnati, Ohio
8) School?: The Entire Tri-State Area
9) Screename(s)?: hwa_sweetheart, funnieface911,
10) Email address?: on or the other
11) Do u have a website?: yupster
12) Nicknames?: Momma, Beck, um... i dunno
13) Siblings?: too many to list
14) Zodiac Sign?: Sagitarius
15) Phone #?: yeah right
16) Address?: Where I live
17) Makeup?: I own some, I think
18) Do u tan or sunburn in summer?: burn
19) Religion?: Heathenism
20) Church?: no.
18) Quote?: "We're coming to get you, Barbara"
19) Type of music?: all
20) Book?: If Chins could Talk
21) Ice Cream?: Coconut Almond Chip
22) Color?: Green and blue
23) Number?: 13
24) Sport?: baseball
25) Celebrity?: Myself
26) Vacation Spot?: My bathtub
27) Soda?: Pepper
28) Food?: pizza
29) Fast Food?: Taco Bell
30) Radio Station?: Mojo
31) Breakfast Food?: Eggs and Potatoes
32) Candy?: Reeses
33) Music Group?: Q says he's a rock star
34) Song?: I dunno...
35) Jeans Brand?: Generic
36) Clothes Brand?: cheap
37) Shoes Brand?: cheap
38) Scent?: Q
39) Animal?: Q
40) Hangout?: home
41) Chips?: no
42) Game?: Triv Pursuit
43) Soundtrack?: um yeah, maybe shrek 2 cuz Tom Waits and Nick Cave have songs on it
44) Movie(s)?: Dead Poets Society, Stand By Me, Shaun of the Dead
45) TV show(s)? Shows are on tv?
46) Season?: Fall
47) Do you have AOL Instant Messager?: Yeah
48) If so...how many ppl r on your buddy list?: a lot of people that i don't talk to.
49) Pets?: Q
50) Any words or phrases you overuse?: yes
51) If u could have one wish, what would it be?: Q
How Do U Feel About..
52) Bill Clinton?: I want him to stain my dress.
53) Abortion?: a fun filled afternoon
54) Rap?: I listen to it.
55) Alternative?: I listen to it.
56) Country?: No
58) Authority?: I am authority.... dammit
59) Do u have a b/f?: not exactly, no...  I wish
60) If so...how long have you been going out?: we live together, but not together 
61) Ever been in luv?: Yes...
62) Who do you like rite now?: Q
63) 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex?: sense of humor
64) Turnoffs?: stupidity without remorse
65) What don't you care for in the opposite sex?: just the stupid differences in emotional crud
Getting Personal
66) Deaf/Blind?: Both
67) Pool/Hot tub?: shower
68) Coke/Pepsi?: Dr Pepper
69) Sunrise/Sunset?: Sunset
70) Fast/Slow Dance?: fast, because you can act silly
71) Day/Night?: night
72) Baseball/football?: baseball, I don't get football
73) Burger King/McDonald's?: McD's
74) Dr. Pepper/Mountain Dew?: Dr. Pepper
75) Sprite/7up?: sprite
76) Christmas/Easter?: Christmas
77) How many pillows do u have?: 1
78) Piercings?: ears, armpit
79) Bedtime?: 830
80) Most humiliating moment?: blank
81) Do u get along w/ your parents?: nope
82) Pochacco/Keropi/Hello Kitty/Badzu Martu?: Hello Kitty
83) Sony/Panosonic?: Sony
84) Dog/Cat?: fish
85) Black/White?: Black
86) Shampoo and Conditioner?: Both
87) Best Friend?:Shawna Heather Q
88) MTV/VH1?: VH1 has better shows
89) Backstreet Boys/nsync?: Puke
90) Partier/Calm/Inbetween?: calm
91) Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake?: Q

Have You Ever..
92) Smoked?: yes
93) Taken other drugs?: yes
94) Done anything illegal?: yes
95) Failed a subject?: yes
96) Been to a foreign country?: yes
97) Had a pet?: Yes
98) Moved?: Yes
99) Cheated on your b/f / g/f?: yes
100) Won an award?: yes
101) Beaten n-e 1 up?: yes
102) Gotten beaten up?yes
103) Played strip poker?: yes
104) Broken the law?: yes
105) Ran away?: yes
106) Cheated on a test?: Yes
107) Gone skinny dipping?: yes
108) Drank?: yes
109) Broken a bone?: No
110) Kicked n-e 1 in the balls?: yes.
Do You Believe In..
111) Magic?: yes
112) Luv at first sight?: no
113) God?: no
114) Heaven?: no 
115) Hell?: no
116) Unicorns?: no
117) Horoscopes?: usually
118) Ghosts?: Yes
119) Youself?: Sometimes.
120) Aliens?: Yes
About the Opposite Sex
121) Have any regrets?: no
122) Must have personality traits?: humor
123) Things u luv most about guys/girls?: humor

The Last Time I..
124) Took a shower?: i did this survey the other day, and I bet my answers are different.. today
125) Ate?: Reese cup
126) Drank?: last night (after the accident, I promise)
127) Cried?: last night between the accident and beer
128) Laughed?: 1 minute ago, because Mike has no email!
129) Brushed your teeth?: in the shower
130) Talked on the phone?: god it's been weeks since my last call, it's really slow, why am I here?
131) Talked on instant messager?: November
132) Had a good time w/ friends?: 2 years ago I am afraid
133) Slept till 12 on saturday morning?: When Q and I did bad stuff
134) Got straight A's?: College
135) Failed a test?: pregnancy test...
136) What CD's are in your CD player rite now?: um some road cd that Andrea, Shawna and I made for a tv taping 3 years ago
137) How was your day?: long
138) Homework?: um... i hope not
139) Who do you seek advice from?: Heather. Q, Shawna
140) Friend ever moved away from you?: Yes
141) Has it easier, guys or gurls?: kids
142) Makes you laugh the hardest?: Q, Mojo, Cheese
143) Has a crush on you?:     :(
144) Do you Have a crush on?: Q
145) Do you Hate?: Yes I did do this, and the answer was D but not KittyVixen
146) Do you Luv?: Q, Moj, Cheese, Kris
147) Do you Have the most fun with?: Q, Shawna

148) Is the Loudest person?: Shawna, Q, Mojo
149) Is the Most hyper?: Q
150) Is the Biggest giggler?:Shawna, Cheese, Mojo 
151) Can you trust a secret with?: Mojo, she can't talk much yet
Plans 4 Future?
152) Marriage?: HA!
153) Kids?: too late
154) College?: yes
155) Job?: teacher
157) Where to live?: nyc
158) Tatoos?: wish.
159) What do u think of the person who sent you this?: I stole it.
160) Best thing that happened today?: Q emailed me

I n f o r m a t i o n
name: Rebecca
single or taken: both?
sex: female
bday: 12/5
hair color: brown
eye color: green
r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends?: S, Q, and H
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: i wish, but I have a weird relationship with my baby daddy
f a s h i o n s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: big lots
2. any tattoos or piercings: some
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: no
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: cheap.
3. what are you most scared of?: my secret
4. what are you listening to right now?: Mike complain he has no email and I do
5. who is the last person that called you?: Kevin
6. where do you want to get married?: don't
7. how many buddies are online right now?: no clue
8. if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: my secret 
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: greem
2. pasta: fettuccine
3. boys names: Quentin Jared Quincy
4. girls names: Chesney, Quincy
5. subjects in school: chicken
6. animals: Q
7. sports: baseball
h a v e y o u e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: yes
2. flown on an airplane?: yes
3. bungee jumped?: not quite, but sort of
4. made yourself throw up?: yes
5. skinny dipping?: yes
6: ever been in love?: yes
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
8. cried when someone died?: yes
9. lied: yes
10. fallen for your best friend?: yes
11. been rejected?: yes
12. rejected someone?: yes
13. used someone?: yes
14. done something you regret?: yes
f i n a l q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like fillings these out?: i must.....
2. how many people are you sending this to?: not one single person (thank Q for LJCut)
3. gold or silver?: silver
4. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: Mine
5. favorite cartoon?: Japanese Animated Porn
6. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: Egg (medium) home fries
7. could you live without your computer?: probably not
8. would you color your hair?: yes
9. could you ever get off the computer?: yes
10. ?Habla espa?ol?: a little bit.
11. how many people are on your buddy list?: a lot.
12. drink alcohol?: yes
13. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: sunsets
14. what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: they both hurt more at different intervals. The only way to really judge it, was if they were happening at the same time.
c u r r e n t
clothes: jeans green turtleneck
music: nothing
taste: nothing.
hair: what?
annoyance: everything
smell: nothing
fav artist: Q
desktop picture: I did this already too, but I am at work there isn't one
book youre reading:
cd in player: um. GOD see above... why did I do this to you and myself??? Wait I LJ Cut-ed it, you did this to yourself too...
dvd in player: Shaun of the Dead
refreshment: you got one I can have?
a r e y o u
understanding: yes
open-minded: yes
arrogant: yes
insecure: yes
interesting: some seem to think so
random: very
hungry: no
smart: yes
moody: yes
hard working: not unless I have to
organized: no
healthy: not at all.
shy: not really anymore
difficult: sometimes
attractive: yes
bored easily: yes
messy: yes
responsible: i wish i was moreso
obessessed: yes.
angry: yes
sad: yes
happy: usually.
hyper: no
trusting: no
talkative: sometimes, depending on who i'm talking to.
legal: yes. terribly
w h o d o y o u w a n n a
kill: D but not KittyVixen
slap: Q
get really wasted with: no one
get high with: no one
look like: myself
talk to offline: Q
talk to online: Q
n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: a few
of hearts I have broken: one or two...
of continents i have lived in: 1
of tight friends: a few
of scars on my body: a lot
of things in my past that i regret: one or two

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