The Disappearance of Earth-P3/P4
-World "Earth-P3/P4" disappeared. Chief Enforcer Morrison sounded the alarm.
-Gilded Comet CEO Devorah Kebi and Senior Councilor Aenathia stepped forward to assist, and they, along with Chief Enforcer Morrison, split the compound into three groups to investigate.
-Multiple investigation teams found shards of some artifact, and one team found a tower in world "Earth-DSRK". The tower was inaccessible.
-A group of Councilors and Senior Councilors met while most of the Councilors were asleep and voted to indefinitely suspend the investigation and to have all personnel with shards turn them over. Senior Councilor Ksthellixis made the announcement.
-Several people made efforts to convince some of the Councilors and Senior Councilors who voted in favor of suspending the investigation change their minds. A new vote was scheduled. Meanwhile, personnel ignored the suspension order and continued investigating. Proof that this division has some good people.
-Senior Councilor Elion was murdered, seemingly by Enforcer Raidou Kuzunoha XIV. Phe-lai, a poison that kills the soul, was used, thereby eliminating any chance of resurrection. Enforcer Kuzunoha was scheduled for execution.
-An unofficial investigation was launched, leading all fingers to point toward Senior Councilor Aenathia for not only Senior Councilor Elion's murder, but also the disappearance of Earth-P3/P4. Upon being confronted, Senior Councilor Aenathia fled.
-Enforcer Souji Seta learned, through a contact of Agent Nanoha Takamachi, that the shards fit two mandalas -- one strengthened a barrier, one nullified a barrier. All of the shards were gathered for the latter, and the mandala was restored.
-We entered the tower. Enforcer Katina Tarask and I fought a huge mobile armor, and destroyed it.
-Enforcers Souji Seta and Minato Arisato fought Aenathia, who had copied their powers, on the top floor. She revealed herself as a member of the group [Humanity]. Upon her defeat, she returned Earth-P3/P4.
The Invasion of Division 0134
-The system's computer underwent a routine OS update. Malfunctions ensued. Life here sucked for a week.
-A virus was uploaded into the system. The mainframe shut down, twelve blast doors closed, and all power was shut off.
-People began to vanish from the compound. At the same time, the discovery was made of impostors in our midst, and Agent Asagi noticed people entering the compound through one of the presumed closed gates.
-Other personnel divided into teams to open the blast doors and restore functionality to the compound.
-Once the path to the mainframe had been cleared, three [Humanity] armies -- one led by Aenathia, one by Baron Archibald von Strauss, and one by former Chief Enforcer Siegfried Oppenheimer -- invaded the compound from within concealed rooms. Their goal was the mainframe.
-Strauss withdrew and Oppenheimer was captured, but Aenathia made it to the mainframe gate. Thanks to Councilor Yukari Yakumo's efforts -- plus the people she assisted -- Aenathia was killed in the biggest demonstration of overkill I've ever seen.
-Oppenheimer was interrogated by Chief Enforcer Morrison, but escaped.
The Destruction of Aethr
-The world known as Aethr underwent a hearing regarding its integration process. Aethr was a prosperous world that thrived on mana wells that led directly to the planet's core, and it was striving for Integrated World status.
-The hearings ended in Aethr's favor, and celebrations began throughout the world...
-Until corruption bombs were dropped in every mana well on the planet. The Children of Entropy claimed responsibility for the attack. Additionally, Councilor Akinari Kashihara killed High Councilor Roland Statham and withdrew with a Children of Entropy agent.
-The corruption bombs began to spread taint across Aethr. Within three weeks, the world would die. Immediately CO quarantined the world, trapping many of its own there.
-A hearing was held regarding Aethr. They resolved to open the gates and let a controlled flow of refugees through, to extract CO personnel on the ground, and to fund R&D toward a cure for the taint.
-While the hearing was underway, a Gateskimmer corps from the world of Myudol entered Aethr to rescue refugees. Senior Councilor Ksthellixis went with them. Everyone was shocked by that last bit.
-The Children of Entropy attacked wherever refugees were being led offworld. Their leader, Caranthir, was captured.
-Councilor Rune Walsh led a manhunt for Kashihara and his captive, Councilor chaos. They found and destroyed him.
-Aethr was sealed off three weeks after the attack, and the planet caved in on itself. The entire universe is expected to follow within a month. Out of Aethr's original population of 20,325,707,223, only 387,857 were rescued.