Excuse me while I sneeze on you, LJ

Jan 26, 2011 14:02

After the cut: COME AT ME BROx1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (in the form of art, I guess)

I'm very sick. I'm also apparently blessed by the Gods, because after an explosive fight with my Mom this morning (6 AM this morning, for added suck) over whether I should stay in bed, I went online to email my teacher about not going in and saw that...classes were canceled anyway! Soooo maybe not blessed, but hey, I got to lay down instead of doing all the sneezing and coughing I've been doing today in the public arena.

I also got to draw! I wanted to do something very....determined, to illustrate how I am going to CONQUER THIS SEMESTER AND COME OUT A BETTER PERSON. I guess this was the result??

I have a weakness (GET IT) for their elements in game. Wind looks so pretty and so does Souji, to explain his inclusion. This is the first time I've ever not half-assed Yosuke's wrenches and unsurprisingly, they're my favorite thing in here. This might be a lesson in not rushing (that I will forget in five minutes).

Oh, and also, gay shadows:

that's obscene, shadowsuke

and now I pull the covers over my head and get some zzs. Or, y'know, waste time watching Daily Shows and eating.

[EDIT: /tweaks everything, because I am dumb and can't let things sit.]

persona 4, fanart, souji seta, souji/yosuke, yosuke hanamura

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