So, once again, I spent my afternoon not doing homework, but rather playing around with icons again. Damn Tin Man it always gives me the icon bug. Anywho, there are more than just TM ones here this time; there's Bones ones, a couple Angel/Buffy ones, a random Wizard of Oz and two Supernatural ones. Enjoy.
Walk This Way... )
Comments 8
ANOTHER DOC ICON!!!! OMG SQUEE!!!! I'd hop up and down right now if my fucking leg didn't hurt so much. Hell, I may just jump up and down anyway.
#11 is so awesome, it hurts. #19 made me fall over with the fabulousness.
Dear gods, I hate you for being this cool.
So where's my Jeb/Doc music vid, huh?
And I liked the Effie on Vicodin sentence although I'm sad the leg hurts again! Poor honey! So you just hang out on the couch and enjoy your Doc icon from there. We'll pretend to do the jumping - visualization is key.
#11 was one of the last ones that I made and honestly, it's one of my favorites. :) And #19 was one of the FIRST of this batch, well, the idea anyway, but I struggled with fonts, and what picture I wanted and everything. I heart that one something fierce!
Really? All the boys when I was younger thought they were such studs by reciting this. What idiots!
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